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Alpha Condé

Date of Birth: 4 March 1938
Place of Birth: Boké, French Guinea (Guinea)

Displaying 51-60 out of 150 results.

Feds grab middleman

According to the US complaint Mebiame provided an S-class Mercedes car for President Alpha Condé before his election and paid $440 000 to hire a private jet for his use in 2011...

It's fine by the AU

The man who was Guinea's Acting President before the 2010 elections that brought Alpha Condé to office General Sékouba Konaté has kept an important African Union job despite being convicted of a criminal offence in the United States...

Condé follows regional lead

Eight months into his second term President Alpha Condé is barely concealing his desire for a third term even if this means overturning the 2010 Constitution which was born from years of bloody political turbulence...

His opponents contend that all this is intended to deflect attention from the burgeoning Sable Mining scandal which involves his son Mohamed Alpha Condé (AC Vol 57 No 10 Sable's rich seam of bribes & Vol 57 No 11 Sable bribery repercussions)...

Sable bribery repercussions

Condé's woesIn Guinea allegations made in the GW report and AC's investigations about bribes to influential Guineans to gain access to lucrative mining rights have embarrassed President Alpha Condé whose son and advisor Mohamed Alpha Condé was implicated...

Sable's rich seam of bribes

Sable's arrival coincided with the first multiparty presidential election which long-time opposition leader Alpha Condé and his Rassemblement du peuple de Guinée (RPG) party won...

Leaked emails show how Sable's man in Conakry Aboubacar 'Bouba' Sampil helped Groves to get close to the man who would soon become President and his son Mohamed Alpha Condé...

A string of emails from Sampil to Sable in August 2010 show him asking repeatedly for money supposedly to be paid into the account of Mohamed Alpha Condé to pay contacts at the Mines Ministry in Conakry for information...

Plane tickets and emails in the leaked cache suggest that Groves took a flight at least once with Alpha Condé during his presidential campaign...


Stop-go Simandou

Guinea's recently re-elected President Alpha Condé has adopted a conciliatory tone towards mining company Rio Tinto over its sluggish development of the Simandou iron-ore mine despite the British-Australian mining giant's non-committal comments to its shareholders and its writing down of the mine's value by over US$1 billion (AC Vol 57 No 4 Condé strikes out on his own)...

Condé strikes out on his own

President Alpha Condé is enjoying the freedom of manoeuvre that his second and final term of office has given him...

Condé consolidates as opposition regroups

Despite the opposition parties' simmering anger and protestors clashing with police this week in Conakry President Alpha Condé looks set to hold on to his first round victory in the 11 October election...

Condé's surprising knockout

' That was the message from those who engineered President Alpha Condé's first round victory in the 11 October presidential election with 57...

The flamboyant Malick Sankhon Director of the National Social Security Fund led an outfit called CRAC the committee for the re-election of Alpha Condé...

Condé's shadowy foes

President Alpha Condé faces a growing barrage of attacks as presidential polling day looms on 11 October...

Displaying 51-60 out of 150 results.