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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 491-500 out of 706 results.

Mea culpa

John Bredenkamp who has been an important supplier of military equipment to President Robert Mugabe's government and an agent for BAE Systems in Southern Africa has indefinite leave to remain in Britain; he operates his other trading companies out of Zimbabwe...

Friends fall out

The last shreds of credibility of President Robert Mugabe's government are at stake in a war of words between businessman Mutumwa Mawere and Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono...

Spies and counter-spies

A Zimbabwean source claimed South Africa's aim was to secure 'assisted regime change' by backing a strong candidate against President Robert Mugabe for ZANU-PF's leadership; Pretoria's favoured candidate the source said was parliamentary Speaker Emmerson Mnangagwa whose bid for the deputy presidency failed at the party congress in December...

Wearing green

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe complained that presidents should not meet people facing criminal charges; Mwanawasa explained that he did so as a party leader not a national president...

Southern spookery

Centre-stage in the latest spy saga is Philip Chiyangwa the zealous MP for Chinhoyi Chairman of Mashonaland West's branch of the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and awkwardly a nephew of President Robert Mugabe...

A heartbeat away

The struggle for the succession to President Robert Mugabe gets sharper every day...

Bye-bye, Moyo

A purge is coming in preparation for the 2005 elections and one day the departure of President Robert Mugabe...

Gunning for Number 2

Like Mnangagwa Moyo has a direct line to President Robert Mugabe and airily dismisses critics outside the magic circle in State House...

Tsvangirai half free

Yet his acquittal on treason charges (including plotting to kill President Robert Gabriel Mugabe) on 15 October will intensify pressure for his Movement for Democratic Change to drops its planned boycott of next year's national elections (AC Vol 45 No 17)...

Displaying 491-500 out of 706 results.