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South Africa

Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma (Msholozi)

Date of Birth: 12 April 1942
Place of Birth: Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal Province

Displaying 41-50 out of 727 results.

Win for Hain's Bain campaign

Hain has campaigned for several years to flush out global corporations and banks that made billions of rand from their complicity in state capture and money-laundering mainly for the Gupta brothers with the aid of former President Jacob Zuma (AC Vol 58 No 12 Net closes around the Guptas)...

The ANC is at its weakest since 1994

The newly elected radical KZN group – which answers to the name 'Taliban' – are loyal to former President Jacob Zuma who still wields huge influence in the province (AC Vol 63 No 16)...

Zuma allies wound Ramaphosa at KwaZulu-Natal conference

Anyone who thought ex-President Jacob Zuma was a spent force within the ruling African National Congress had a rude awakening at the ninth KwaZulu-Natal elective conference on 22-24 July when his supporters swept the board of regional leadership posts...

A SONG TO ZUMA The legacy and theatrics of ousted President Jacob Zuma loomed large over the during the African National Congress's 22-24 July conference in KwaZulu-Natal...

Dos Santos haunts Lourenço's campaign

But Dos Santos gained little kudos for that from South Africa's victorious African National Congress (ANC) many of whose leaders including Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma had long-standing disputes with the MPLA...

Zondo's game changer

Instead they are asking why it took him so long to act against his predecessor Jacob Zuma now facing a raft of corruption charges...

The ANC is losing out to populists and radicals in Gauteng

Maile and those close to him especially Mzwandile Masina and his faction who control the key Gauteng sub-division of Ekurhuleni have no qualms about working with Malema even though Masina was a key ally of President Jacob Zuma at the time he was moving against Malema when he was leader of the ANC Youth League (AC Vol 62 No 16 Who runs Gauteng...

The man behind the sofa story

Once a key associate of President Jacob Zuma in the state security and intelligence apparatus Arthur Fraser has leapt onto the front pages with his claims about the burglary at President Cyril Ramaphosa's farm in 2020...

Africa Confidential has been informed that in revealing what he knows about the Phala Phala burglary Fraser may be attempting to escape criminal charges that could arise out of the final report of the Zondo Commission on State Capture which is eagerly awaited and expected to throw a spotlight on Fraser's activities on President Jacob Zuma's behalf...

Fraser's sister Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi was a top South African Communist Party (SACP) official and a senior minister in the Mbeki cabinet who resigned after Mbeki was ousted by Jacob Zuma at the 2007 Polokwane ANC conference...

'Farmgate' rocks Ramaphosa

The Jacob Zuma-supporting RET faction is maximising Ramaphosa's embarrassment over the revelation that at least US$4 million hidden in a sofa at his game-farm north of Pretoria was stolen two years ago and then secretly investigated and covered up with pay-offs to the alleged thieves (AC Vol 63 No 12 Zuma's securocrats rattle Ramaphosa)...

It was Fraser who let ex-President Jacob Zuma out of prison on 'medical parole' last year (AC Vol 63 No 4 Top police face sack amid rising crime – see accompanying feature The man behind the sofa story)...

Displaying 41-50 out of 727 results.