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Martha Wangari Karua

Date of Birth: 22 September 1957
Place of Birth: Kirinyaga District, Central Province

Displaying 41-50 out of 57 results.

Wako's war

This news emerges just as Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Justice Minister Martha Karua condemned their own coalition government for its lack of seriousness in the war against corruption...

Grand coalition - its divisions and prospects

Martha Karua who is Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs as well as the ODM's Secretary General disagreed about seniority with Peter Anyong Nyong'o Minister of Medical Services during their recent tour of displaced persons' camps in the Rift Valley...

Federalism and devolution Martha Karua Minister for Constitutional Affairs and Justice has promised a new constitution within the year...

The Harambee House deal

Martha Karua Kibaki's acerbic lead negotiator rejected demands for any safeguards or executive role for Odinga...

An outbreak of cordiality

Kibaki's closest advisors - the Muthaiga Golf Club crowd such as James Njenga Karume and George Muhoho and Ministers such as John Michuki and Martha Karua - were advising him to stand firm...

The safari talks

Justice Minister Martha Karua who leads Kibaki's negotiating team sent a characteristically abrasive letter to Annan accusing him of misrepresenting what had been said at the talks and saying that her team was 'alarmed' at the idea of a coalition government 'which position has not been discussed or agreed upon'...

Message from the wazungu

Kabando wa Kabando (aka Godfrey Kariuki Mwangi) says that his fellow pro-Kibaki MP George Thuo has admitted receiving a letter from the US Embassy warning of a visa ban as has the owner of a nightclub which has hosted fundraisers attended by luminaries such as Justice Minister Martha Karua and Local Government Minister Kenyatta...

The heart of the matter

Whispers of suspicionJustice Minister Martha Karua and other pro-Kibaki hardliners have accused the opposition Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) of perpetrating genocide a clear exaggeration...

Closer and closer

Two of them Justice Minister Martha Karua and Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi have declared an interest in the presidency in 2012 when the next election comes round...

Financial secrecy

On 6 March Kenya's Constitutional Affairs Minister Martha Karua complained of the hurdles her country faces in trying to recover more than US$2 bn...

Ethnic alarums

Kibaki's presidential campaign will be fronted by the younger ministers recruited from all over Kenya to blunt the Kikuyu-partisanship charge: Kituyi (Interim NARC-Kenya Chairman Luhya); Raphael Tuju (Foreign Minister Luo); Danson Mungatana (Assistant Justice Minister Pokomo); John Mutua Katuku (Water Development Minister Kamba); Kivutha Kibwana (Lands Minister Kamba); Gideon Konchellah (Immigration Minister Maasai); Beth Wambui Mugo (Assistant Education Minister Kikuyu and Kenyatta's niece); and Martha Karua (Justice Minister Kikuyu)...

Displaying 41-50 out of 57 results.