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John Pombe Joseph Magufuli

Date of Birth: 29 October 1959
Place of Birth: Chato, Tanzania
Died: 17 March 2021

Displaying 41-50 out of 106 results.

A government walkover

Tanzania is set for six weeks of phoney election campaigning before as is widely expected President John Pombe Magufuli secures a second five-year term on 28 October at the general election...

Sins of the commission

The opposition claims President John Magufuli is pulling out all the stops to prevent its candidates being registered for the October general election although it is unlikely to match its performance ahead of last December's local elections when the National Electoral Commission (NEC) accepted the nominations of only 4% of opposition candidates...

Lissu heads for home

Two and a half years after being shot 40 times by suspected government gunmen outside the National Assembly in Dodoma opposition leader Tundu Lissu says he will return to Tanzania on 27 July as a free man ready to take on incumbent John Magufuli in Presidential elections now set for 28 October...

Magufuli wants a mega-dam

Plans to build a dam across the Rufiji River at Stiegler's Gorge pre-date Tanzania's independence but no public or private finance could be found for the venture until 2018 when President John Magufuli's government announced that the 2 115 megawatt project would finally be built...

Port project silts up President John Magufuli likes to keep investors international partners and the opposition guessing which can often help improve business terms for his country even if it causes exasperation...

Rose-tinted budgets

On 7 June President John Magufuli told a church congregation in Dodoma that the coronavirus had been eliminated from Tanzania thanks to prayers to God...

Life without the 'Supreme Guide'

Nkurunziza had alienated many within his own party the Burundian political class as a whole all international donors and most regional heads of state by the time of his death except for Tanzania's President John Magufuli and former President Joseph Kabila of Congo-Kinshasa...

The Magufuli experiment

President John Magufuli who downplays the likely impact of Covid-19 is the author of the policy...

Protective prayer equipment The most consistent part of President John Magufuli's response to the pandemic has been trust in God...

Scientists unite

Tanzania fearOn the other side of the continent Tanzania opted for no lockdown President John Magufuli fearing that if he did shut down the economy he wouldn't be able to start it again (AC Vol 61 No 7 Magufuli the outlier)...

Unpopularity contest

Tanzania has fallen out with many of the countries making development assistance grants and concessional loans since President John Magufuli came to power although funds for Covid-19 relief will probably be an exception (AC Vol 60 No 2 Sliding into autocracy)...

Magufuli the outlier

President John Magufuli has resisted imposing blanket restrictions on movement curfews and other forms of lockdown insisting that the work of growing the economy must continue...

Displaying 41-50 out of 106 results.