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Edgar Chagwa Lungu

Date of Birth: 11/11/1956
Place of Birth: Ndola

Displaying 41-50 out of 106 results.

Debt and discontent

President Edgar Lungu seems resolved not to take any of the multitude of measures that could provide much-needed relief such as bringing a firm halt to new borrowing...

Taking the heaviest of tolls

Zambian media have accused Nahas of giving money to President Edgar Lungu and his office and of bribing Zambian public officials to win business which he and the company strongly deny...

Lungu's to lose

President Edgar Lungu has got his wish and been given leave by the Constitutional Court to stand for a third term of office...

Debts and denials

It was compounded when President Edgar Lungu gave the red carpet treatment to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert who was released from prison last year after serving 16 months for corruption...

A splurge before the squeeze

One of the contracts was part-funded with a $48m loan from Israel Discount Bank which was signed by President Edgar Lungu on 5 September 2016 Africa Confidential can reveal...

Bonds crash as donors cut funding

President Edgar Lungu's sacking on 19 September of Minister of Community Development and Social Services Emerine Kabanshi – at the centre of the row over the fraud in payments for the country's poorest families – will do nothing to lessen the deepening crisis in the country...


Graft worsens cash squeeze

The scheme was believed to be a great success and President Edgar Lungu requested the number of recipients be increased from 257 000 households the figure for 2017 to 700 000 this year...

The seven-member court all of whose judges were appointed by President Edgar Lungu ended hearings on a possible third term in May and is not expected to rule until next year at the earliest...

Some think that President Edgar Lungu is feeling anxious about his popularity but others speculate that the PF wants urgently to secure a two-thirds majority in parliament which would be necessary to enact changes to the constitution...

Bonds, bills and ever bigger debts

Possibly the most desperate attempt to improve public finances yet is believed to lie behind President Edgar Lungu's public plea to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during bilateral talks on 28 July in Zambia for assistance in refinancing the Eurobonds...

Since President Edgar Lungu came to power Zambia has signed off on at least US$8 billion in Chinese project finance...

Putting on the brakes

The government nevertheless refers to its 'prudent and sound economic management' and describes measures emanating from President Edgar Lungu's desk as 'our blueprint as a government'...

Displaying 41-50 out of 106 results.