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Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Date of Birth: 15 August 1944
Place of Birth: Ntungamo, Uganda

Displaying 441-450 out of 505 results.

Tripoli calling

He brought Congo-K's Laurent Kabila and Uganda's Yoweri Museveni together (having financed both their military campaigns) in December and May after which both announced they'd agreed a ceasefire in the Congo war...

Exeunt sojas

The 30 foot-high video screen at the other end of the parade ground pictured him smiling broadly with arms around Presidents Robert Mugabe and Yoweri Museveni...

Whitehall's Africa team

More of an innovator than Chalker Short is noticeably less sympathetic towards the 'New Africans': Yoweri Museveni Paul Kagame Meles Zenawi and Issayas Afeworki...

Fantasy rules

In Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania on 9 April Kabila said he was ready to talk to the rebels; but in Luanda the previous day he had insulted their two main backers Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and Paul Kagame of Rwanda calling them 'Central Africa's Milosevics'...

Central Africa's schism

President Yoweri Museveni’s government has at least said it disapproves of corruption and admitted that it is worried about its part in the Congo war...

    Vol 40 No 1 |

Africa scrambles for Africa

The next stage was the alliance of ‘Banyarwanda’ and Ugandan dissidents in Yoweri Museveni’s National Resistance Movement which in 1986 became the first guerrilla movement to force out an African (rather than white colonial) regime...

Ending an embargo

The CNDD-FDD now also claim that the 'hidden agenda' of Nyerere and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda is to install in Bujumbura a weak government under their influence...

Asking the people

Cowboy-hatted President Yoweri Museveni has hit the campaign trail already like an American presidential candidate touring the countryside opening showcase investment projects and kissing babies...

The wages of war

• Uganda: President Yoweri Museveni's prosecution of the war against Kabila alongside the RCD is strategic and ideological while the short-term economic gains are comparatively small...

Displaying 441-450 out of 505 results.