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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 391-400 out of 481 results.

On to the trial

Accused are Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta of President Mwai Kibaki’s Party of National Unity (PNU); Francis Muthaura of the Orange Democratic Movement head of the civil service Chairman of the National Security Advisory Committee and confidant of Kibaki; Major General Mohammed Hussein Ali former Police Commissioner; William Ruto (ODM) formerly Minister of Agriculture and of Higher Education; Henry Kosgey (ODM) ex-Industrialisation Minister; and Joshua arap Sang a Kalenjin-language radio broadcaster...

Ocampo has since told the government that Muthaura cannot testify before the ICC while he controls the police which could empower him to interfere with witnesses and has asked that Uhuru Kenyatta be removed from the Witness Protection Board...

First pick your judge

The ICC list includes two of Kibaki’s inner circle: Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta son of founding President Jomo Kenyatta and the head of the civil service Francis Muthaura...

Rewards and realpolitik

Inconvenient indictments Two accused KKK leaders want to be candidates - the PNU's Kikuyu Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM)'s point-man in the Rift Valley William Ruto...

ICC has Kenyan politicians on the run

John Muchiki Environment Minister and a Kikuyu and Beth Wambui Mugo a former minister and Jomo Kenyatta’s niece held a press conference to defend suspects Uhuru Kenyatta and Francis Muthaura...

Ocampo names six suspects

In Ocampo’s guide to the evidence he accuses Minister of Finance Uhuru Kenyatta and Francis Muthaura who is a close Meru confidant of Kibaki’s head of the civil service and Secretary to the Cabinet of organising meetings with the Mungiki militia at State House Nairobi to plan and finance reprisal violence in Naivasha in late January 2008...

Don’t be vague, let’s go to the Hague

In the short term the political tensions will initially bolster the Kikuyu-Kalenjin-Kamba alliance whose principal actors include both Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto both accused...

Turning a corner

His nearest competitor Deputy Premier Uhuru Kenyatta got 13%...

This time a peaceful vote

He was once thought to be a wavering watermelon (green on the outside for Yes red inside for No) and before that a supporter of the short-lived Kikuyu Kalenjin Kikuyu group along with William Ruto the Minister for Higher Education and Uhuru Kenyatta Minister of Finance (AC Vol 51 No 12)...

Rumbles in the Rift

Coupled with the lack of an effective civic education programme (thanks in part to the reluctance of Uhuru Kenyatta's Treasury to release money until very late) rumours and propaganda have filled the information vacuum...

He refused to back his ODM party's position at April's Naivasha constitutional talks and the devolution clauses are largely the result of his deal with Uhuru Kenyatta...

More gluttony

2 million Kenya shillings from KSh850 000 Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta says he has no funds available for the increase and is refusing to table the three bills that would turn the MPs’ vote into law...

Displaying 391-400 out of 481 results.