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Macky Sall

Date of Birth: 11 December 1961
Place of Birth: Fatick, Senegal

Displaying 31-40 out of 161 results.

Seck enters a crowded field

Seck contends that President Macky Sall – who has been silent on his intentions – will be constitutionally barred from seeking a third term should he choose to pursue re-election...

Sonko and the street take battle to Sall

Searing criticism from what he had hoped would be a helpful government in Washington is the latest blow for President Macky Sall as opposition mounts against his government and his suspected plans for a third term...

Financing crises and security clashes dominate summit

President Azali Assoumani of Comoros took over the chairmanship from Senegal's President Macky Sall at the opening of the African Union summit in Addis Ababa on 18 February with a tough message on food security and the damage caused to his country an archipelago in the Indian Ocean by climate change (Dispatches 15/2/23 Summit takes off in Addis amid growing race for the region's resources and votes in the UN)...

West Africa’s juntas look east

Populist threatElected civilian presidents such as Ouattara Ghana's Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Senegal's Macky Sall see the military regimes and their nationalistic rhetoric as a threat to the region's established governing class and its longstanding security and geopolitical alignment with Europe and the United States...


Sall manoeuvres for a high-risk third term

Ousmane Sonko the charismatic leader of the Pastefs les Patriotes opposition party is in full campaign mode for the presidential elections due in early 2024 – although President Macky Sall is yet to announce whether he will run for a third term...

As such a bid would trigger mass protests it could undermine Sall's international image as chairman of the African Union and continental advocate on debt and climate issues (AC Vol 63 No 11 Macky Sall faces the third-term curse)...

They sparked widespread riots in early 2021 and that could be repeated this year (AC Vol 62 No 6 Macky Sall buys some time)...

ZANU-PF beats its economic chest

Senegalese President Macky Sall and South Africa's Cyril Ramaphosa also called for an end to Zimbabwean sanctions the former in a speech before the General Assembly saying the 'harsh measures continue to fuel a sense of injustice against an entire people'...

Displaying 31-40 out of 161 results.