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Julius Kambarage Nyerere (Mwalimu)

Date of Birth: 13 April 1922
Place of Birth: Butiama, Mara Region
Died: 14 October 1999

Displaying 31-40 out of 72 results.

Finding the new Mwalimu

In the two previous elections the 'Father of the Nation' the late President Julius Nyerere picked the eventual winner although in 1995 Mkapa was far from being the party's favourite...

Presidential race

The front-runners: Jakaya Kikwete 53 Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister from Bagamoyo on the coast; economist; began career in the army; later Finance Minister; was Chama cha Mapinduzi delegates' first choice in 1995 but stood down at request of Julius Nyerere who said he was too young; after loyally supporting President Benjamin Mkapa for nine years he feels it's his turn; a Muslim who has supported Christian charities; exudes charm; young people like him: the population's median age is 17-18; pleases World Bank by promising to strengthen private sector and promote investment to create employment; Mkapa is unlikely to support him; regional CCM leaders cold-shouldered him at recent fund-raising dinner in Mwanza; younger CCM activists like him; said to have a colourful personal life; delegates much Ministry work to his deputy former High Commissioner in Britain Dr Abdulkader Shareef: after long service Kikwete is reportedly not popular with African diplomats; he talks of closer ties with the Arab world...

Troubled isles

Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Jakaya Kikwete from the younger generation came second to Mkapa (who was backed by the late Julius Nyerere) when the party picked its candidate in 1995...

Deeper and deeper

This mainly concerns Burundi where Tanzania has since the death of former President and Burundi mediator Julius Nyerere been eclipsed by South African diplomacy and peacekeeping muscle in Bujumbura...

Multi-party, single party

There was new blood too: Ramadhani Maneno (38) defeated veteran socialist and the late President Julius Nyerere's Press Secretary Paul Sozigwa (69) as NEC Member for Coast Region...

Alternating currents

The Arusha agreement brokered first by the late Tanzanian former President Julius Nyerere then by South African former President Nelson Mandela was signed without a ceasefire and needs one if it is to last...

Mkapa winds it up

The `Father of the Nation' Julius Nyerere used his decisive influence to pick first Ali Hassan Mwinyi who presided over the rescue of the economy in the 1980s then Mkapa who brought in foreign investors and boosted economic growth...

A sort of peace

This opens a vital new chapter in the process begun under the late Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere's leadership at Arusha in 1996...

Revolution revisited

Two earlier constitutional commissions (and many CCM members of parliament) believe that the Union constitution should be modified which was out of the question during the lifetime of its author the late President Julius Nyerere...

Nice guy finishes first

He won also because 40 years of politics under the late Mwalimu Julius Nyerere seem to have made mainland electors favour unity and ideology over ethnic or religious differences...

Displaying 31-40 out of 72 results.