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Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir

Date of Birth: 1 January 1944
Place of Birth: Hoshe Bannaga

Displaying 341-350 out of 436 results.

Khartoum's veto

The European Union's Commissioner for Peace and Security Javier Solana told delegates that Sudanese President Omer el Beshir was still objecting to a UN force in Darfur adding '...

Posturing outweighs the policy

Although the AU Peace and Security Council had agreed on successive occasions that a UN force should be deployed in Darfur to protect civilians the summiteers in Banjul failed to press Omer el Beshir...

It's the government, stupid

Before the signing President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and others threatened 'jihad' if a United Nations force went in to Darfur though other regime leaders said the UN could go in once a deal was signed...

Omer el Beshir to congratulate him on the peace deal...

The heart of the matter

We hear that Salah had a heart attack in Khartoum after a confrontation with President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir whose aspirations have increased beyond promoting himself from Brigadier General to Field Marshal during his 17 years in power...

The list we hear included the names of two brothers of Omer el Beshir...

Pressing for a deal

Ali Osman's apparent opening to the UN earned him a public rebuke from President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir's vocal uncle former Information Minister El Tayeb Mustafa Abdel Rahman...

The hostile host

If it is held the President will get a further boost even if (like Sudan's President Omer el Beshir in January) he is blocked from assuming the chair...

Names and blames

President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir is one of five 'for possible future designation' surprisingly alongside Chadian President Idriss Déby...

Smooth operator

In a long public row headed by President Omer el Beshir's uncle El Tayeb Mustafa (often found fronting controversies real or tactical) and Federal Government Minister Abdel Basit Sabdarat Celtel accused Sudatel of damaging the company...

Human wrongs

The meeting was dominated by the Sudanese regime's attempt to secure the chairmanship withdrawn only after western central and southern African countries made it clear that they would go on opposing President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir's candidacy because of his regime's internationally condemned policies in Darfur to which the AU has sent a peacekeeping force...

Three contenders three coup-makers Human rights groups had campaigned against holding the summit in Sudan and applauded the blocking of Omer el Beshir's candidacy...

'Beyond that now'

'AOK' is known to oppose next week's holding in Khartoum of the AU summit a contradiction which may place President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir in the chair of the very organisation that is trying to protect Sudanese from his forces...

Displaying 341-350 out of 436 results.