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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 311-320 out of 344 results.

The countdown begins

Khartoum is trying to involve President Nelson Mandela in negotiations with Uganda (which backs the SPLA); Federal Minister Ali el Haj flew to South Africa on 26 January...

Spiking Syria

Yet Gore will have to offer Pretoria something substantial if Nelson Mandela's government is to avoid both a loss of profit from potentially the most lucrative post-apartheid arms deal and a loss of face after Clinton Administration spokesmen threatened to cut aid to South Africa running at about US$90 million this year...

Worlds apart

Deputy President Thabo Mbeki the anointed successor to President Nelson Mandela is set to further consolidate his power-base in the ruling African National Congress prior to the party's national conference this December...

Kuala Lumpar can do

Mahathir was one of the first heads of government to visit Nelson Mandela after his release from gaol in February 1990 after which Malaysia-South Africa trade boomed...

What's left of the left?

Mbeki has four main worries: stamping his authority on the ANC as he gradually takes over the leadership from President Nelson Mandela; managing leftist dissent in the ANC and its alliance partners; cracking down on personal power battles in the provinces; and containing the Inkatha Freedom Party' s political ambitions in kwaZulu/Natal...

No confidence

He arranged a one-party triumph by refusing (despite pleas from President Nelson Mandela and ex-President Jimmy Carter) to allow his main opponent ex-President Kenneth Kaunda to stand against him...

    Vol 37 No 23 |
  • MALI

Surviving and thriving

It was picked by President Nelson Mandela for a visit as Francophone Africa' s democratic example...


From the province emerged Nelson Mandela Walter Sisulu Oliver Tambo Govan Mbeki and his son Thabo – all Xhosas an ethnic fact which the ANC is keen to underemphasise...

To lose support next time in its own heartland would be a severe blow to a party which by then will no longer be led by its chief vote-gatherer Nelson Mandela...

No vote for UNIP

Kaunda left for South Africa on 29 October to try to persuade President Nelson Mandela to revive his offer of facilitating all- party talks...

Displaying 311-320 out of 344 results.