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Daniel Toroitich arap Moi

Date of Birth: 2/09/1924
Place of Birth: Sacho, Kenya

Displaying 301-310 out of 323 results.

Constitutional counter

Delaying the elections probably until November or December is beginning to look like a major error by President Daniel arap Moi...

New arrivals – north and south

Others believe President Daniel arap Moi's government currently feeling isolated would be amenable to more subtle - rather than heavyweight - pressure from London...

New fingers on Zaïre's trigger

Long-time Mobutu ally President Daniel arap Moi appears isolated discredited by failed mediation attempts and his government's protection of Interahamwé militias (Kenya refuses to cooperate with Rwanda's war crime investigators)...

Fixing the finance

Last June the Fund's Managing Director Michel Camdessus visited Nairobi and was assured by President Daniel arap Moi that the government would keep its word on fiscal policy...

Trumpeting the Horn

President Daniel arap Moi regards himself as the elder statesman of the Inter-Governmental Agency for Development (Igad) and claims that Kenya is the natural mediator in Somalia in Sudan and in the Great Lakes region too...

No peace, no war

Hussein feels isolated even though via his recultivated links to Presidents Daniel arap Moi and Yoweri Kaguta Museveni he is now on near-cordial terms with European Development Commissioner João de Deus Pinheiro and European Union Special Envoy Sigurd Illing...

Langata landmark

The constitution says that if he wins this year President Daniel arap Moi must step down by 2002...

Democracy deficit

At the behest of Presidents Mugabe Daniel arap Moi of Kenya and Benjamin Mkapa of Tanzania there was condemnation of non-governmental organisations which 'with foreign funding were promoting activities detrimental to stable democratic processes'...

The green line

Italian shuttle diplomacy across the 'Green Line' dividing Mogadishu has persuaded Hussein Mohamed Farah 'Aydeed' and Ali Mahdi Mohamed to resurrect the October 1996 peace deal brokered by Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi which collapsed within days...

Old Nick's back

Now his return to the cabinet as Minister of State in the President's office in President Daniel arap Moi's 16 January Cabinet reshuffle makes him the second most powerful politician in the country...

Displaying 301-310 out of 323 results.