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South Africa

Bantubonke Harrington Holomisa

Date of Birth: 25 July 1955
Place of Birth: Mqanduli, South Africa

Displaying 21-30 out of 32 results.

Dealing with dissenters

The UDM is led by Bantu Holomisa former military dictator of the Transkei homeland (then expelled from the ANC for accusing a cabinet colleague of corruption)...

Mbeki's triumph

The curious amalgam of non-ANC blacks and conservative whites is refracted in its joint leadership: retired General Bantu Holomisa and Roelf Meyer...

Gauteng for Mbeki

The new United Democratic Movement (UDM) led by General Bantu Holomisa formerly boss of the Transkei 'homeland' and ex-National Party minister Roelf Meyer registers less than 3 per cent support...

Uneasy peace

The UDM's leaders are Bantu Holomisa formerly military dictator of the (Xhosa) Transkei homeland and Roelf Meyer a former National Party cabinet minister...

Confusions in the Cape

The ANC has suffered some inroads into its black support by the United Democratic Movement (UDM) led by Bantu Holomisa a Xhosa general who ruled the Transkei homeland after a military coup and Roelf Meyer a former NP cabinet minister...

New sparring partners

Will Bantu Holomisa's United Democratic Movement provide the basis for a radical black challenge to the dominant ANC...

Mbeki's new machine

Nervously party leaders feared challenges from the left by the South African Communist Party (SACP) and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and from the populists of the Bantu Holomisa-Roelf Meyer United Democratic Front (UDM) and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela...

What's left of the left?

The SACP it seems is casting around for allies; SACP banners have been seen at rallies for the sacked former Deputy Environment Minister Bantubonke Holomisa...

There is some speculation that Bantu Holomisa who has given up trying to get back into the ANC may join the P AC and try to bring across some of his substantial following from the ANC...

At the height of their power in early 1995 the populists led by Winnie Mandela and Bantu Holomisa held two ministerial portfolios and wielded substantial influence in the party (having won overwhelming support at the party congress)...


Further damage with more potential danger came with the expulsion from the ANC of ex-General Bantubonke Holomisa because he had disclosed to the press a private conversation with Mandela (AC Vol 37 No 18)...

Opening up the ANC

The sacked Deputy Minister for the Environment Bantubonke Holomisa has become an implacable foe of the Mandela-Mbeki axis...

Displaying 21-30 out of 32 results.