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Malik Agar

Place of Birth: Ingessana Hills, Blue Nile State, Sudan

Displaying 21-30 out of 37 results.

Fresh doubts over polls

Several opposition participants were already in the Ethiopian capital including Malik Agar Eyre Chairman of both the Sudan Revolutionary Front and of a member organisation the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army-North and Yasir Saeed Arman SRF Foreign Relations Secretary and Secretary General of the SPLM-N...

The opposition shows a new political will

Farah was formerly in the NCP and is a relative of SRF Chairman Malik Agar Eyre Gandof whom he previously challenged for the governorship of Blue Nile State...

Opposition beams, Khartoum glowers

The photographs show a beaming Malik Agar Eyre head of the Sudan Revolutionary Front and a grim-faced Ghazi Salah el Din el Atabani veteran Islamist former minister sitting with their colleagues and in the middle South Africa's ubiquitous ex-President Thabo Mbeki...

Political parties and the government

• SRF: armed opposition coalition led by Malik Agar Eyre Abdel Aziz Adam el Hilu and Nasr el Din el Hadi el Mahdi; components: SPLM/Army-Northern Sector (SPLM/A-N): Malik and Abdel Aziz; Sudan Liberation Movement/Army-AW: Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur; SLM/A-MM: Minni Arkou Minnawi; Justice and Equality Movement (JEM): Jibreel Ibrahim Mohamed; Beja Congress: Mohamed Abu Amna; BC-Corrective: Zeinab Kabbashi...

Politics over oil

The SPLM-N Chairman Malik Agar Eyre signed an aid agreement in June 2011 with Presidential Assistant and former security chief Nafi’e Ali Nafi’e which President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir publicly repudiated...

However El Sadig did clearly say that the Umma Party Co-Deputy Chairman Nasr el Din el Hadi el Mahdi must choose between the Umma and the SRF of which he is now Deputy Chairman to Malik Agar...

The anti-sanctions race

The fighting started last year after Khartoum imposed Ahmed Mohamed Haroun Adam as South Kordofan Governor and deposed the elected Blue Nile Governor Malik Agar Eyre who is Chairman of the SPLM/A-N (AC Vol 52 No 10 Indicted war criminal fights election)...

The AU roadmap adopted by UN Resolution 2046 demands that Khartoum and the SPLM-N negotiate on the basis of this framework agreed between the Presidential Assistant and NCP Deputy Chairman Nafi'e Ali Nafi'e and Malik Agar who was then Blue Nile Governor...

Rockets and meetings

Civilian Intifadah Meanwhile a high-level meeting on 3 May partly in London and partly via Skype brought together SRF leaders including Chairman Malik Agar Eyre Secretary General Yasir Saeed Arman Saeed National Umma Party Co-Deputy President Nasr el Din el Hadi el Mahdi El Tom Haju of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Ali el Haj Mohamed backer of the Justice and Equality Movement and former National Islamic Front (now NCP) minister...

Workers safe but oil at risk

Asking Beijing to intervene While negotiating the workers’ release SPLM/A-N Chairman Malik Agar Eyre asked Xie Xiaoyan the Ambassador to Ethiopia if China would intervene to help to create aid corridors for civilians threatened by starvation and to pressure the NCP...

Opposition on the march

They included: • Nasr el Din cousin of Umma Party leader and former Prime Minister El Sadig Sideeg el Mahdi and a veteran of the 1976 attack from Libya by the Umma Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) and Muslim Brotherhood (later NIF) in a bid to oust President Ja’afar Mohamed Nimeiri; • El Tom Haju the DUP candidate for Sennar State governor and then advisor to the SPLM-N’s elected Blue Nile Governor Malik Agar Eyre (who was sacked this year by the NCP); • Ahmed Hussein Adam the former Spokesman of the Justice and Equality Movement and now Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Advisor to JEM Chairman Khalil Ibrahim Mohamed; • representatives from Abdel Wahed Mohamed Ahmed el Nur’s Sudan Liberation Movement faction and ex-Presidential Advisor Minni Arkou Minnawi’s SLM...

Questions facing the new regime

One aim was to assassinate former South Kordofan Deputy Governor Abdel Aziz Adam el Hilu and Blue Nile Governor Malik Agar Eyre head of SPLM-Northern Sector...

Displaying 21-30 out of 37 results.