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Burkina Faso

Captain Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara

Date of Birth: 21 December 1949
Place of Birth: Yako, Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)
Died: 15 October 1987

Displaying 21-30 out of 46 results.

Between street and barracks

A former communist who now calls himself a social-democrat he joined and then left the political alliance with Captain Thomas Sankara's revolutionary government (1984-87) just in time to get in with Compaoré when he was about to topple Sankara...

His Front progressiste sankariste is unlikely to carry the vote but many Burkinabè feel that the revolution was carried out in Thomas Sankara's name and Bénéwendé and the FPS may benefit at the elections which will be held four days before the 28th anniversary of Capt...

Truth and reconciliation

The first was the 26 November announcement that the enquiry would be reopened into the death of Captain Thomas Sankara killed in the 1987 counter-revolution...

Pressure mounts on Zida

Army arrangementsLike his predecessors Compaoré and Thomas Sankara Zida trained at the Military Academy at Pô...

On 1 November Mariam Sankara the widow of Thomas Sankara who was believed to have been murdered by Compaoré during the October 1987 coup that brought him to power issued a statement from her French exile calling for the deposed Compaoré to be brought to justice (AC Vol 55 No 7 Tight spot for Blaise)...

Tight spot for Blaise

Aside from corruption charges Compaoré is vulnerable to the accusation that he murdered his predecessor Captain Thomas Sankara whose widow Mariam Sankara still campaigns for justice from her exile in France...

Pillars of the regime

For security Compaoré relies on the Special Chief-of-Staff Brigadier General Gilbert Diendéré a discreet but constant presence since Compaoré’s French-backed coup removed Captain Thomas Sankara from power in 1987 (AC Vol 41 No 23 Stuck in the sand)...

Jobs for the boys

Compaoré needs somebody to protect him his family and his friends in case an ‘African spring’ should threaten his reign or worse lead to investigations into the murder of his predecessor Captain Thomas Sankara during the 1987 coup that brought Compaoré to power...

Beau Blaise loses it

Almost before Blaise Compaoré had a chance to celebrate the installation of his friend Alassane Dramane Ouattara as President of neighbouring Côte d’Ivoire he had to deal with the most serious challenge to his power since he seized the presidency from another friend Thomas Sankara in 1987...

A resolution in Abidjan

Jonathan led a strange coalition of ‘democracy enforcers’ in Ecowas alongside Burkina Faso’s President Blaise Compaoré an improbable enthusiast of free elections given his history as the beneficiary of a putsch which killed his childhood friend Thomas Sankara and as a political and business ally of Liberian warlord Charles Taylor who is awaiting a verdict after his long trial for war crimes at the Special Court for Sierra Leone in the Hague...

Propaganda war

Recent examples of inflammatory rumours seen by Africa Confidential include doctored photos purporting to show unarmed civilians shot dead by UN troops and tracts portraying Gbagbo as the inheritor of the legacies of Patrice Lumumba Thomas Sankara and Kwame Nkrumah...

Displaying 21-30 out of 46 results.