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Iyad ag Ghali

Date of Birth: c. 1954

Displaying 21-30 out of 62 results.

Crisis summit as insurgents head south

In the absence of a claim of responsibility from the jihadists speculation centred on the probability that they belonged to Mali's Al Qaida-affiliated Jamaat Nusrat ul Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) which is led by Iyad ag Ghali (AC Vol 59 No 5 New jihadist alliance strikes)...

    Vol 61 No 12 |
  • MALI

Keïta cornered

Dicko is not aligned with the homegrown jihadist chiefs Iyad ag Ghaly and Amadou Koufa but he does favour talks with them – a strategy Keïta is now trying to pursue (AC Vol 61 No 4 Terrorists at the table)...

    Vol 61 No 4 |
  • MALI

Terrorists at the table

President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta says his envoy Dioncounda Traoré had his full authority to initiate talks with jihadist chiefs Iyad ag Ghaly and Amadou Koufa – after years of government insistence there would be no negotiation with terrorists (AC Vol 61 No 1 Advantage jihadists)...

    Vol 61 No 3 |
  • MALI

Putschist walks free

Meanwhile the special envoy for central Mali former interim head of state Dioncounda Traoré says he has put out feelers to the jihadist leaders Amadou Koufa and Iyad ag Ghaly alarming his Western collaborators...

Attacks spur ethnic violence

Meanwhile the Tuareg Iyad ag Ghali's Jamaat Nusrat ul Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM) and the home-grown Ansaroul Islam outfit have also been staging fresh attacks...

    Vol 59 No 24 |
  • MALI

Blow to jihadists

After JMIN leader Iyad ag Ghali Koufa was the most wanted man in Mali and the Malian army lost no time claiming responsibility...

Like his counterpart and later boss Iyad ag Ghali whom he met in the first decade of this century Koufa was radicalised by Salafist preachers from Pakistan...

New jihadist alliance strikes

The other partners are the Front de libération du Macina led by the firebrand preacher Amadou Koufa and the largely Tuareg Ansar Eddine under the leadership of Iyad ag Ghali which vandalised Timbuktu in 2012 (AC Vol 53 No 8 Rebel against rebel – against the rest)...

Displaying 21-30 out of 62 results.