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James Aggrey Bob Orengo

Date of Birth: 1951

Displaying 21-30 out of 37 results.

Kofi Annan puts politicians on the spot over poll violence

The team was led by Minister of Justice Mutula Kilonzo (President Daniel arap Moi's former lawyer) with much-criticised Attorney General Amos Wako; Minister of Lands James Orengo; Assistant Minister of Justice William Cheptuno; and three other officials...

A hotel, a minister and a scandal

His ODM colleague Lands Minister James Orengo then displayed documents indicating that the hotel had been sold to the Kenya-registered LAAC for Ksh 1...

Land grab

The Kikuyu MP for Naivasha John Mututho then wrote to James Orengo ODM's Luo Minister of Lands requesting that the lands be given to the squatters for whom they were meant...

A slightly cracked coalition

Many of the cabinet's ODM members are firmly embedded in the government including Lands Minister James Orengo who blew the whistle on the Kimunya story...

Grand coalition - its divisions and prospects

Odinga and the Minister of Land James Orengo have sometimes sided with the hardline Kalenjin politicians...

James Orengo the ODM Minister for Land told the Nation newspaper that past land disputes should be resolved case by case and he thought that would be simplified once parliament approved a new draft Land Policy Sessional Paper designed to harmonise conflicting land acts...

The Harambee House deal

Drafted by Attorney General Amos Wako and opposition lawyer James Orengo it sets out the terms of a grand coalition jointly led by the President and an Executive Prime Minister who will be the leader of the largest party in Parliament...

Mwai's moment

His sole challenge comes from another 'Young Turk' radical of 1992 James Orengo standing on the SDP presidential ticket who will probably win his home seat of Ugenya but make little headway elsewhere...

Drive my tractor

'The Third Force': this includes the 'Young Turks' who dissatisfied with the DP and KANU hope for a 'progressive coalition' of non-ethnic leaders associated with the Muungano wa Magezi (Alliance for Change) such as MPs James Orengo (Ford-Kenya) Shem Ochuodho (NDP) and James Mwihia (Social Democratic Party)...

Displaying 21-30 out of 37 results.