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South Africa

Jeremy Cronin

Date of Birth: 12 September 1949
Place of Birth: Durban

Displaying 21-29 out of 29 results.

Kraaling out of trouble

The ANC Youth League fiercely loyal to Mbeki has proposed that two senior officials from the South African Communist Party Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Cronin and Treasurer Philip Dexter be sacked from the ANC's National Executive Committee...

Congress gets scratchy

Mbeki cancelled his speech to the congress and his main ANC assistant Smuts Ngonyama mounted a heavy attack on Jeremy Cronin the SACP's deputy leader; Cronin had spoken of the marginalisation of the left in the ANC and accused the party of 'Zanufication' (a reference to the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union ZANU)...

Will the real Thabo Mbeki stand up?

Tshwete had tried in vain to build up a strategy on crime and policing and will be remembered as backing some paranoid schemes an example of what Jeremy Cronin an ANC member of parliament who is also SACP Deputy Secretary General calls the 'Zanufication' of the ANC...

Calling labour's bluff

Emollient words come from the SACP's two leading (and usually abrasive) ideologues: General Secretary Blade Nzimande and his deputy Jeremy Cronin...

Mbeki's money men

Key critics of Mbeki's strategy are Blade Nzimande an academic who recently defeated Mbeki loyalist Charles Nqakula in the contest for the general secretaryship of the SACP; Jeremy Cronin SACP Deputy General Secretary (a former political prisoner academic and poet) and Zwelinzima Vavi Deputy General Secretary of Cosatu...

Mbeki's new machine

Secret ballotsThe 60 members elected by secret ballot include a few SACP stalwarts such as Jeremy Cronin Deputy General Secretary and Blade Nzimande Deputy Chairman...

Winning against Winnie

The SACP through its Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Cronin and acting Chairman Blade Nzimande has hit back calling Mokaba a 'capitalist' and redefining the December conference as a clash between capitalists and socialists...

Manpower and muscle

The SACP/Cosatu position is laid out amid a flood of ANC discussion papers in two papers widely attributed to the SACP's Deputy General Secretary Jeremy Cronin who does not deny his authorship...

What's left of the left?

SACP ideologue Jeremy Cronin' s criticism of the ANC' s macro-economic policy earned him censure from Mandela who called for his expulsion from the ANC National Executive Committee...

Displaying 21-29 out of 29 results.