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Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Date of Birth: 7 October 1952
Place of Birth: Leningrad

Displaying 21-30 out of 110 results.

At the other end of geopolitics

Officials in South Africa look irritated by persistent questions about how they will handle the possible attendance of Russian President Vladimir Putin at a BRICS (Brazil Russia India China and South Africa) summit which they are hosting in August...

Ramaphosa shuffles the reshuffle

This year South Africa chairs the BRICS grouping and will host its summit later this year an event due could bring Russia's President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping along with massive international attention to South Africa...

Moscow's goals are global not local

It resents the western view that its role in the region is nothing more than the Wagner Group run by Yevgeny Prigozhin a Vladimir Putin confidant...

It is financed directly by the Kremlin in the service of President Vladimir Putin's determination to confront France...

Displaying 21-30 out of 110 results.