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South Sudan

Deng Alor Kuol

Place of Birth: Abyei Region

Displaying 21-30 out of 40 results.

The South goes for sovereignty

Cabinet Affairs Minister Deng Alor Kuol spoke of a five-year cushion and other sources talk of a sovereign wealth fund banked in Kenya and Uganda...

Questions facing the new regime

Better known quantities include such trusted (Dinka) veterans as Deng Alor Kuol at Cabinet Affairs Nhial Deng Nhial at Foreign Affairs and the affable discreet government Spokesman Barnaba Marial Benjamin who remains at Information and Broadcasting...

New South Sudan Ministers

Selected full ministers all Sudan People’s Liberation Movement unless indicated include: • Deng Alor Kuol Cabinet Affairs (previously Foreign Affairs; before that Sudan Foreign Affairs Minister) Abyei Dinka...

Abyei in limbo

Meanwhile Ngok members of the former SPLM-led Abyei Administration along with Paramount Chief Kuol Deng Kuol and other Ngok elders wait in Agok issue appeals for international help and dream of moving their people back home soon...

The Abyei crucible

On 11 January Pa’gan Amum Okiech the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement Secretary General Deng Alor Kuol Southern Regional Cooperation Minister and a son of Abyei and Haile Menkerios chief of the United Nations Mission in Sudan flew to Abyei to convince Ngok leaders to hold off...

On 12 January Paramount Chief Kuol Deng Kuol agreed at a conference in Kadugli to let the Missiriya begin their traditional grazing in Abyei before the end of January as long as they paid partial compensation for 15 people killed last year (see Feature)...

A new nation

At China’s Juba consulate Jiang held separate talks with SPLM Vice-Chairman Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon (and GOSS Vice-President) SPLM Deputy Secretary General Anne Itto (Agriculture Minister) SPLM Politburo Senior Member Deng Alor Kuol (Minister of Regional Cooperation) and Education Ministry Under-Secretary George Justin Achor...

Abyei waits

The Ngok Dinka led by Paramount Chief Kuol Deng Kuol refuse knowing that this will allow the NCP to rig the vote a practice in which it proved adept in April’s elections...

Many in the SPLM are quietly ready to drop Abyei since the South is their absolute priority but the Ngok are powerful within the Movement’s leadership especially national Cabinet Affairs Minister Luka Biong Deng Government of South Sudan (GOSS) Regional Cooperation Minister Deng Alor Kuol and the SPLA Spokesman Lieutenant General Kuol Deim Kuol...

The international agenda

Essential foreign policy was already previously in NCP hands despite the experienced Deng Alor Kuol being Foreign Minister appointed by the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (armed with that experience he will now do the same job for the Government of Southern Sudan)...

Flash point Southern Kordofan

The Ngok include prominent SPLM leaders such as outgoing national Foreign Minister Deng Alor Kuol and the Government of South Sudan (GOSS) Presidential Affairs Minister Luka Biong Deng...

The coup-making government lives on

Mutref Sideeg Ali State (junior) Minister Foreign Affairs; moved seamlessly up from Under-Secretary; with former People's Defence Force chief Ali Ahmed Kurti (also State Minister) and Mahdi Ibrahim (militarily trained; ex-Ambassador USA) ensures National Congress Party foreign policy overrides that of Foreign Minister Deng Alor Kuol...

Displaying 21-30 out of 40 results.