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Ramtane Lamamra

Date of Birth: 15 June 1952
Place of Birth: Amizour, Béjaïa Province

Displaying 21-27 out of 27 results.

Boutef's miracle return

Another longstanding cohort of Bouteflika's Mourad Medelci leaves the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be replaced by a younger diplomat and international civil servant Ramtane Lamamra...

Paying – and fighting – for unity

According to Ramtane Lamamra of the AU Peace and Security Commission the new money – 10% of which would be funnelled into a contingency fund – will be used to finance those projects that currently receive the least external support namely infrastructure and industrialisation...

Development vies with conflict resolution in Addis

’ He also suggested that the AU should revisit its founding charter and recast the roles of the chair of the AU Assembly (of Heads of State) chair of the AU Commission (Dlamini-Zuma’s current role) and the Commissioner for Peace and Security Algeria’s Ramtane Lamamra...

Democracy standoff

They sent a ‘Team of Experts’ on a fact-finding mission led by the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra to Abidjan on 6-10 February but nothing has been heard from them or their political masters since...

UN rejects AU blockade plea

The AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ambassador Ramtane Lamamra has been very active on the diplomatic circuit delivering his biannual briefing on Somalia to the AU’s Peace and Security Commission (PSC) in mid-October before going to the Security Council for two days of back-to-back meetings on Somalia and on UN support for Amisom...

A coup to stop a coup

The day after the CSRD seized power Chambas with two Algerians – Said Djinnit the United Nations Special Representative for West Africa and Ramtane Lamamra AU Commissioner for Peace and Security – flew in to press for a return to constitutional rule...

Displaying 21-27 out of 27 results.