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South Africa

Helen Zille (Otta Helene Maree)

Date of Birth: 9 March 1951
Place of Birth: Hillbrow, Johannesburg

Displaying 21-30 out of 39 results.

Live by the sword

The leader newly elected to replace ‘ET’ Steyn van Ronge quickly joined leaders such as Helen Zille and President Jacob Zuma in calling for calm...

A morality contest

In the Western Cape both Helen Zille of the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Patricia de Lille of the Independent Democrats have declined to contest the national presidency and opted to fight for the provincial premiership against COPE's Boesak...

Julius Malema the firebrand ANC Youth League leader and ally of Zuma's called Helen Zille colonialist racist and imperialist...

The business of politics

Helen Zille leader of the opposition Democratic Alliance says that as president Zuma would be sure 'to implement populist policies designed to placate his left-wing allies and maximise his support'...

All politics is provincial

The ANC is vulnerable in the Western Cape and Cape Town’s Mayor Helen Zille leads the opposition Democratic Alliance...

A wounded presidency

' The main opposition leader Helen Zille of the Democratic Alliance said Motlanthe was ‘one of the ANC’s most level-headed’ leaders...

The ANC – a luta continua

Helen Zille leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA) says it should be ‘headed by a retired judge nominated by the chief justice’...

Displaying 21-30 out of 39 results.