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South Africa

Patricia de Lille

Date of Birth: 17 February 1951
Place of Birth: Beaufort West, Cape Province

Displaying 21-30 out of 30 results.

Welcome back to the state

Most politically disturbing for the ANC was Independent Democrat leader Patricia de Lille's lively critique of Mbeki's address as her supporters cut directly into the ANC's base...

Thabo's test

The DA campaigned stridently against the Independent Democrats formed last year by Patricia de Lille who once sat in parliament for the Pan Africanist Congress...

Foregone conclusion

Their leader Patricia de Lille has split from the Pan African Congress and epitomises the independent-minded political class that has emerged to challenge and maybe stimulate the ANC...

Spies pop out of the past

Much of his lengthy appeal to the ANC faithful was couched in terms that could be seen as directed at the ANC's enemies such as Patricia de Lille former liberation advocate from the rival Pan Africanist Congress and head of a new political party called the Independent Democrats...

Struggling to succeed

On 17 September the Assembly will question Mbeki too on the whole arms issue and a demand by the feisty Patricia de Lille (who left the Pan Africanist Congress two months ago to form her own Independent Democrats party) for a probe into Mbeki's own possible involvement in the scandal...

Butter on those guns

In late 1999 Patricia de Lille then of the Pan African Congress told a startled parliament that documents had been sent to her anonymously naming ANC members who had taken bribes from the European bidders (AC Vol 42 No 3)...

Arms for oblivion

The party leadership says that the chief troublemaker is Patricia de Lille a Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) member of parliament...

Military manoeuvres

There has been much unsubstantiated talk about 'sweeteners' from Western arms companies: Patricia de Lille a Pan Africanist Congress member of parliament told the National Assembly she had been handed a document signed by 'Concerned ANC MPs' (whose names she would not disclose) giving details of the deal...

Seeking spies

Latest accusations have come from Pan Africanist Congress MP Patricia de Lille who has tabled a motion in parliament in which she will name twelve top ANC figures who she claims ‘spied for apartheid'...

Displaying 21-30 out of 30 results.