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Jomo Kenyatta

Date of Birth: c. 1891
Died: 22/08/1978

Displaying 21-30 out of 86 results.

Kenyatta mulls nuclear option

Before he was elected Kenyatta drew parallels between the ICC case against him and the detention of his father Founding President Jomo Kenyatta by the British colonial authorities on trumped up charges during the Independence struggle of the 1950s...


The warnings before Westgate

Also since the major fire at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on 7 August security controls on incoming travellers have been less rigorous than before...

The closest of shaves

(His father Founding President Jomo Kenyatta sabotaged the first majimbo regionalist constitution after Independence...

Holding their breath

The presidential contest will pit Prime Minister Raila Oginga Odinga against Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta who is wanted by the International Criminal Court and is the son of founding President Jomo Kenyatta...

A race to the bottom

Undeterred – and possessed of a vast fortune amassed mostly during the presidency of the late Jomo Kenyatta (1963-1978) – the powerful Kenyatta family has spent tens of millions of dollars trying to win Uhuru the presidency...

The creation of 47 semi-autonomous counties under the constitution of August 2010 could well reopen questions about land-grabs during the Jomo Kenyatta and Daniel arap Moi eras which mainly benefitted families close to them...

Kibaki loses his peers

Not since the last years of Founding President Jomo Kenyatta have the politics of succession been as awkward as they are today...

Like Jomo Kenyatta they have gone peacefully to their graves...

A vote on unfinished business

Not since the days of Kenyatta’s father Founding President Jomo Kenyatta has there been consensus among the Kikuyu and even then there was bitter competition between the Nyeri-Kikuyu (Kibaki’s stronghold) and the Kiambu-Kikuyu of the Kenyatta family...

Uhuru looks back in anger

The Prosecutor directly implicated Uhuru Kenyatta eldest son of Kenya’s founding President Jomo Kenyatta and a would-be successor to Kibaki...

Succession not reform

Kenyatta is deputy Prime Minister President Kibaki’s heir-apparent for the leadership of the Kikuyu – the most populous ethnic group – and the son of founding President Jomo Kenyatta...

Raila’s father Jaramogi Oginga Odinga who at the height of the Independence struggle had revived Jomo Kenyatta’s status as leader of the nationalist cause was pushed into the political cold by his old mentor soon after Independence...

Six in the dock

In the Kikuyu heartland of Gatundu home of the late founding President Jomo Kenyatta his widow Mama Ngina blessed both her son Uhuru and Ruto...

She called the ICC a colonial relic which was repeating Jomo Kenyatta's unfair trial in Kapenguria by the British colonialists...

Displaying 21-30 out of 86 results.