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Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba

Date of Birth: 18/05/1960
Place of Birth: Chinsali

Displaying 21-30 out of 33 results.

Legal losses

The President's main rival former Vice-President Nevers Mumba (strongly backed by ex-President Frederick Chiluba) was sacked from the party for accusing Mwanawasa and his wife Maureen of using state funds to buy convention votes...

Wearing green

Former Vice-President Nevers Mumba may make a bid as may current Vice-President Lupando Mwape...

Undiplomatic row

Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa sacked Vice-President Nevers Mumba on 4 October for igniting a serious diplomatic row...

Presidential prosecutions

National Vice-President and televangelist Nevers Mumba who disbanded his National Christian Coalition party to join the MMD complains that he is treated as an outsider...

Watching Big Brother

Before the impeachment debate some opposition members of parliament had walked out in protest against the new Vice-President Nevers Mumba saying he was constitutionally unqualified...

Sacking the veep

The man who provoked them to action is Kavindele's replacement Nevers Mumba a charismatic tele-evangelist who had quit his own party just one day beforehand...

Too close to call

Northern Province votes could divide four ways between 'King Cobra' Sata (PF) whose stomping ground is the town of Mpika; Mwila (ZRP) who has been campaigning hard in a region neglected during the MMD's ten-year reign; Nevers Mumba (National Citizen's Coalition); and Gwendoline Konie (Social Democratic Party)...

Presidential runners

Other parties are negotiating a unity ticket: National Citizens Coalition (NCC) of tele-evangelist Nevers Mumba; Social Democratic Party (SDP) led by Gwendoline Konie; Agenda for Zambia (AZ) under Akashambatwa Lewanika and Tilyenji Kaunda of KK's formerly ruling United National Independence Party (UNIP)...

A longer presidency

There is a buzz that Nevers Mumba President of the National Citizens' Coalition may try for the UNIP presidency at the party congress on 28 December...

Post-KK traumas

Some old-fashioned socialist-leaning elder members are floating the fanciful idea of poaching Zambia's charismatic evangelist Nevers Mumba who leads the moribund National Citizens Coalition and might like to try his feet in Kaunda's big boots...

Displaying 21-30 out of 33 results.