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Armando Emílio Guebuza

Date of Birth: 20 January 1943
Place of Birth: Murrupula, Nampula Province

Displaying 21-30 out of 158 results.

Frelimo takes no chances

The figure was only previously topped by his predecessor Armando Guebuza who gained 75% in 2005 but it comes against a background of growing anti-Frelimo sentiment among the electorate especially in the wake of the US$2 billion hidden loans scandal of 2016 a growing violent insurgency in the north mishandling of the Cyclone Idai emergency and state corruption scandals across the board...


Tuna bonds in Brooklyn

Pearse a prosecution witness against Boustani told the court how the son of former President Armando Guebuza Ndambi Guebuza now in prison in Maputo asked Privinvest for $11m so he could to buy a house in the south of France with a prostitute he had fallen in love with on top of $50m of bribes already paid...

Guilty plea on conspiracy

Pearse's testimony makes clear the scale of the commissions paid; while the US indictment refers to about $200m the real amount of money unaccounted for is well over $1bn and sources close to ex-President Armando Guebuza's family say they received vast sums...

Chang is one of the major figures in the US indictment and his long career in the Ministry of Finance places him at the centre of the secret loans saga including intimate involvement with Armando Guebuza and Safa...

Panic in the politburo

The arrest last weekend of Ndambi Guebuza eldest son of ex-President Armando Guebuza in connection with the US$2 billion hidden loans scandal has sent shock waves through the ruling Frente de Libertaçao de Moçambique (Frelimo) elite and the intelligence service the Serviço de Informação e Segurança do Estado (SISE)...

US spears the loan sharks

In September 2013 France's President François Hollande and President Armando Guebuza presided over a ceremony in the port of Cherbourg to celebrate the Mozambican order of interceptor boats and trawlers which rescued 400 jobs with Privinvest subsidiary Constructions mécaniques de Normandie (CMN)...

Hopes were high he would take action to sweep away the corruption of the Armando Guebuza era but these soon faded (AC Vol 57 No 6 Nyusi's resolve in doubt)...

Party debts hold back Nyusi

And while he is trying to clear out ex-President Armando Guebuza's unaccountable network of cronies they made sure that as many senior members of the party benefitted thus compromising them (AC Vol 58 No 21 Team Nyusi wins a point)...

Lidimo who was already seriously ill took control on behalf of the Nyusi-supporting Makonde generals while ex-President Armando Guebuza was distracted by the death of his daughter Valentina earlier in the year we hear (AC Vol 58 No 6 Nyusi celebrates Exxon's entry)...

Team Nyusi wins a point

It has not been an easy journey for President Filipe Nyusi who does not inspire the same personal loyalty as his predecessor the redoubtable Armando Guebuza...

Rock and Kroll

The Kroll report supports long-held suspicions that the three maritime projects were a smokescreen created so that the government of the then President Armando Guebuza – who is not directly mentioned in Kroll's summary – could acquire funds for other purposes...

A meandering audit trail

The extent of the secret loan scandal under which the government guaranteed loans worth US$2 billion for a series of dubious maritime projects during the second term of President Armando Guebuza became clearer in April 2016...

Displaying 21-30 out of 158 results.