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United States of America

Bill Clinton (Born: William Jefferson Blythe III)

Date of Birth: 19 August 1946

Displaying 21-30 out of 130 results.

No referee for the referenda

In 1998 Bill Clinton’s government said the factory manufactured precursors for chemical weapons...

Diplomacy by other means

State House has not forgiven her reluctance to be packed off for meetings with Grace Mugabe during the state visit to Zimbabwe of her husband then President Bill Clinton...

Oily alliances

All three are on the 1997 United States’ sanctions list instigated by President Bill Clinton because ‘continued support for international terrorism ongoing efforts to destabilize neighboring governments and the prevalence of human rights violations including slavery and the denial of religious freedom constituted an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy’ of the USA...

Out of Africa and into Asia

Glencore was founded by the serial buster of United Nations’ sanctions Marc Rich who was convicted of tax evasion in the United States in 1983 and then pardoned by outgoing President Bill Clinton...

Rapprochement and opportunity

After visiting the Genocide Memorial Centre in Kigali Sarkozy fell short of offering an unambiguous apology to Rwanda of the kind made by former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan (head of UN Peacekeeping at the time) and United States President Bill Clinton...

Washington unveils its new policy as tension rises throughout Sudan

Three main factors will determine how US policy unfolds: firstly whether Washington maintains the united front signalled by the join announcement by Clinton Gration and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice once President Bill Clinton's Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs who favours tougher intervention to stop what her government still calls 'genocide' in Darfur; secondly whether Khartoum changes tack on the South Darfur and democratisation; and thirdly whether SPLM and Northern opposition can resist NCP blandishments and their own disagreements...

Washington's Africa team takes shape

One of those instinctive critics is likely to be Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice whose stance against the Khartoum regime intensified during her term as Assistant Secretary of State (1996-2000) under President Bill Clinton...

Inside the four big oil traders

The firm began in 1994 when the United States’ commodities trader Marc Rich (who secured a pardon for tax offences from President Bill Clinton AC passim) sold his interest in his own firm to its senior traders...

A mutual security pact

Triton is associated with Glencore Energy UK an affiliate of the Swiss-based international commodities firm whose founder Marc Rich was gaoled for tax evasion and illegal dealings with Iran and controversially pardoned by outgoing United States President Bill Clinton in 2001...

No longer at ease

Though the Republicans have a reputation for military thinking the National Congress (National Islamic Front) has not forgotten that it was Democrat President Bill Clinton who bombed the El Shifa factory in 1998 after the Islamist attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania...

With Bill Clinton's wife Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State his Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan E...

Displaying 21-30 out of 130 results.