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Robert Gabriel Mugabe

Date of Birth: 21 February 1924
Place of Birth: Zvimba
Died: 6 September 2019

Displaying 281-290 out of 706 results.

No one writes to the Colonel

No Western poodle Mutharika is a staunch ally of his neighbour President Robert Mugabe and remonstrates with British officials for interfering in Zimbabwe...

The President ends his holiday

It now looks as if far from being a temporary expedient the coalition arrangement set up in February 2009 will last the full life of the five-year Parliament elected in 2008 and that President Robert Gabriel Mugabe plans to serve out his full five-year term too...

A slow return to growth

ZANU-PF's succession struggle will intensify as President Robert Mugabe's influence (balanced by that of the competent MDC Finance Minister Tendai Biti) starts to recede...

Three men in a boat

President Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara of his own MDC faction told a joint press conference on 23 December that they still had ‘minor differences’ but that the power-sharing government was not going to collapse...

Coalition of the controllers

The group cited Beijing's gift to Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe of radio-jamming equipment which blocked opposition broadcasts in the 2005 legislative elections...

A Mugabe shakedown at the Shanghai Expo

Seeking hard cash and a platform for his disavowals of the West President Robert Mugabe flew to Shanghai's spectacular trade expo where on 11 August he thanked Beijing for being an 'all-weather' friend...

Out of the starting blocks

President Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front is more sympathetic to North Korea and there were few ZANU-PF ministers in Seoul...

Morgan Tsvangirai

While Tsvangirai was in Seoul President Robert Mugabe was paying tribute to its northern neighbour readying an ark of Zimbabwe’s animals for Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il...

CIF, Beijing’s stalking horse

CSR also benefited from that contract promising to supply six types of train carriages to President Robert Mugabe’s government...

Displaying 281-290 out of 706 results.