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Muhammadu Buhari

Date of Birth: 17 December 1942
Place of Birth: Katsina State

Displaying 281-290 out of 377 results.

Biya’s emerging dream

By the standards of central African protocol Biya's message of congratulations to President-elect Muhammadu Buhari was effusive: 'On the occasion of your brilliant election to your country's highest office I am particularly pleased to extend to you my warm and heart-felt congratulations as well as my wishes for success in the discharge of your lofty duties' (AC Vol 56 No 7 A moment of truth for the General)...

A moment of truth for the General

One of the first acts of President-elect Muhammadu Buhari's new government will be to establish a clear regime of accountability and transparency in managing the country's oil and gas revenue a senior member of the transition team told Africa Confidential...


The rigging in Rivers

Amaechi brought the opposition presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari to the oil capital Port Harcourt to launch his national campaign...

Votes, damned lies and opinion polls

At the beginning of the year some of President Goodluck Jonathan's advisors were telling Africa Confidential that their private polling showed their man 'almost tied' with the APC's Muhammadu Buhari...

On the waterfront

There is little question that Jonathan will win far more votes in the 'south-south' or Niger Delta and the south-east than his opponent in the presidential race General Muhammadu Buhari (AC Vol 55 No 25 Political storm warning)...

Welcome back, General

Addressing a packed auditorium at Chatham House in London on 26 February General Muhammadu Buhari may have mused about his last big encounter with the British establishment...

Democracy delayed

Opposition politicians and civil activists see this as a reaction to a perceived groundswell of support in the north Middle Belt and south-west for the All Progressives Congress and the APC presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari...


Policing the vote

The defeated APC Governor in Ekiti Kayode Fayemi is now a leading figure on the policy and strategy side in Muhammadu Buhari's campaign (AC Vol 50 No 10 Votes that don't add up)...

Lots of gunboats, little diplomacy

Yet many voters in the Delta cannot bring themselves to vote against Jonathan the first President from the region and in favour of the APC's presidential candidate Muhammadu Buhari who hails from the north which has enjoyed decades in power...

Elections face new risks

More difficult still would be getting the two parties – President Goodluck Jonathan's governing People's Democratic Party (PDP) and presidential challenger Muhammadu Buhari's opposition All Progressives Congress – to agree on a postponement and put their combined pressure on the INEC...


Displaying 281-290 out of 377 results.