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Morgan Richard Tsvangirai

Date of Birth: 10 March 1954
Place of Birth: Gutu, Zimbabwe
Died: 14 February 2018

Displaying 241-250 out of 268 results.

The killing of Cain

A cartoon in the state-owned daily Herald on 19 November showed the opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai glad-handing his backers - the independent press the European Union Britain and Denmark...

The road to ruin

With the economy failing and corruption rising Mugabe is squaring up to Morgan Tsvangirai for the presidential election next April...

The hand of Lucifer

The MDC has appealed against the results in 37 constituencies and so far three cases have been decided against the opposition three in its favour - the rural constituencies of Mutoko South in Mashonaland East Hurungwe East in Mashonaland West and Buhera North in Manicaland (where MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai narrowly lost to his cousin former governor Kenneth Manyonda)...

Revolving doors

Even his ally Mbeki has through officials contacted Morgan Tsvangirai of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change...

A bandwagon for change

That is what galvanised voters to back Abdoulaye Wade's Parti Démocratique Sénégalais and Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change earlier this year in Senegal (AC Vol 41 No 7) and Zimbabwe (AC Vol 41 No 14)...

Morgan versus Mugabe

The scene may have looked like the dying days of apartheid South Africa but Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change is no African National Congress...

Military minders

ZANU-PF loyalists were surprised to learn that military commanders had assured Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change of their neutrality in the run-up to the 24-25 June election...

Bobodan's battles

Now MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai now calls for a Belgrade-style uprising in Harare and Bulawayo if the party's efforts to impeach Mugabe in parliament fail...

Union is strength

Yet the MDC rode to victory on the back of the ZCTU under its Secretary General Morgan Tsvangirai and President Gibson Sibanda...

ZANU-PF's Pyrrhic victory

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai told Africa Confidential that his party will take legal action against Mnangagwa following a report that one of the cars used by his election campaign team was linked to the firebombing...

Displaying 241-250 out of 268 results.