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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 231-240 out of 344 results.

Family affairs

But a 15-year-old daughter called Hana was pictured with Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel in South Africa in June 1999 along with the other Gadaffi women...

Policemen plod on

Police statistics show that between 1994 (when the African National Congress came to power) and 1999 (when Thabo Mbeki succeeded Nelson Mandela as President) reported car-jackings increased by 20 per cent rapes by 21 per cent assaults by 22 per cent burglaries by 25 per cent and common robberies by an astonishing 121 per cent...

Calling labour's bluff

The ANC has fewer than half the members it had at its peak when Nelson Mandela was elected in 1994...

Under Kilimanjaro

On one hand he was strong-armed into the 28 August signing by mediator-in-chief Nelson Mandela whose diplomatic pulling power had brought 20 heads of state including United States President Bill Clinton to Arusha to the ceremony...

Talking left, acting right

His speech made him a target of ridicule by scientists commentators and cartoonists which the hypersensitive President has difficulty coping with and which earned him a barely veiled rebuke from his predecessor Nelson Mandela who closed the AIDS conference on 14 July...

Ten years after, another revolution

A decade after Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and South Africa's political revolution started his successor Thabo Mbeki is launching another revolution It aims to overthrow the apartheid economy with its racial hierarchy replacing it with a modern African capitalist state based on a skilled work force and a growing body of black entrepreneurs (AC Vol 41 Nos 2 & 3)...

Down to work

Nelson Mandela and Mbeki respected on the world stage have little influence within Africa...


But the more independent opponents of Kabila saw things differently: Jean-Pierre Bemba's Uganda-backed Mouvement pour la Libération du Congo (MLC) said it was not worth turning up; Etienne Tshisekedi chief of the most powerful unarmed opposition movement preferred to make a trip to South Africa to see Nelson Mandela...

Bonding with the Broederbond

NAIL's directors then included former ANC Secretary General Cyril Ramaphosa and Nthato Motlana once Nelson Mandela's doctor...

Cooperation again

Complicated equation Nelson Mandela the new mediator in Burundi's conflict faces his first round of negotiations next month...

Displaying 231-240 out of 344 results.