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South Africa

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Madiba)

Date of Birth: 18 July 1918
Place of Birth: Mveso, Transkei
Died: 5 December 2013

Displaying 211-220 out of 344 results.

Murder again

The wild card is Graça Machel widow of President Samora Machel and wife of South African ex-President Nelson Mandela...

Bitter borders

Chiluba was defiant South Africa's ex-President Nelson Mandela mediated and the two sides drew back...

Hard pressed

O'Reilly was broadly sympathetic to the ANC and Nelson Mandela and has always understood that keeping governments friendly may help win lucrative concessions on for example broadcasting licences...

The killing of Cain

President Thabo Mbeki a natural diplomat has more sympathy for faltering African regimes than his predecessor Nelson Mandela who was always ready to blame governments for mismanagement and corruption...

Don't confront, co-opt

FW criticised the ANC from outside the cabinet President Nelson Mandela called him to order in cabinet and in the argument Mandela told De Klerk to leave the GNU and that his departure 'would not even cause a ripple'...


We are on the verge of reaching a breakthrough which will bring permanent peace and stability' said Nelson Mandela former South African President and Burundi's peace mediator on 16 October (AC Vol 42 No 17)...

A sort of peace

Regional peacemakers are now embroiled in the minutiae of the Arusha Accords on ending Burundi's eight-year civil war amid general scepticism that the power-sharing agreement brokered by Nelson Mandela can hold...

Birds of a feather

Renamo was then blocking the peace process which it later signed; Inkatha was fighting the African National Congress under Nelson Mandela who later made Buthelezi Vice-President...

Keeping them talking

March and May 1994; first and second IGADD sessions; South African President Nelson Mandela intervened; NIF hyped this up and Mandela withdrew...

The plots thicken

Cyril Ramaphosa former General Secretary of the National Union of Mineworkers chief negotiator with the apartheid regime former Secretary General of the ANC ex-President Nelson Mandela's (unsuccessful) choice as his successor and now a rich businessman; 2...

Displaying 211-220 out of 344 results.