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South Africa

Thabo Mvuyelwa Mbeki

Date of Birth: 18 June 1942
Place of Birth: Idutywa, Eastern Cape

Displaying 211-220 out of 603 results.

Remaking an old relationship

Sarkozy's predecessor Jacques Chirac assiduously courted South Africa despite differences with the then President Thabo Mbeki...

So far, so Zuma

' Mcebisi Ndletyana a political analyst at the Human Sciences Research Council says Zuma has effectively addressed the gap created by the 'cold and aloof' style of his presidential predecessor Thabo Mbeki and compares him tentatively to former President Nelson Mandela...

Suing the messenger

for infringement of dignity against The Independent News and Media Jovial Rantao (Sunday Independent Editor and The Star Deputy Editor) Andrew Walker and ex-President Thabo Mbeki's biographer William Mervin Gumede for an article published on 16 April 2006...

Business beyond borders

Policy is likely to align more with economic rather than ethical imperatives to underplay Thabo Mbeki's vision of an African renaissance and focus on African rather than global issues...

Tshwane's big five

Thabo Mbeki never visited Angola as President: Luanda suspected him of maintaining ties with Jonas Savimbi leader of the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola during the 1980s and 1990s and the Mbeki-Dos Santos relationship was undermined by the two countries' growing rivalry for regional leadership...

This time it will be different

Union leaders and their members prefer Zuma to his rival and predecessor Thabo Mbeki but expect some fierce battles ahead over policy and public sector pay...

You've stood, now deliver

Zuma hoping to narrow divisions within the ANC has appointed as his economic advisor an ally of ex-President Thabo Mbeki the former Trade and Industry Minister Mandisi Mpahlwa - an ineffective minister who is close to black business...

The telephone test

At the heart of the controversy was Cosatu's concern that the Elephant Consortium - a Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) group linked to ex-President Thabo Mbeki - would benefit handsomely...

Pragmatism trumps ideology

This is intended to force coordination across government to break the 'silo' mentality that led to criticisms of sluggish delivery under former President Thabo Mbeki...

Displaying 211-220 out of 603 results.