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Kembo Dugish Campbell Mohadi

Date of Birth: 15 November 1949
Place of Birth: Beitbridge

Displaying 11-20 out of 29 results.

I chose the deputy

Home Affairs Minister Kembo Mohadi has the seniority but is not in good health and is a Venda not a full Ndebele...

The Speaker's chair

The MDC Co-Minister for Home Affairs Theresa Makone complains that Police Commissioner General Augustine Chiuri never consults her or Kembo Mohadi her ZANU-PF counterpart on such matters...

The wiles of a crocodile, the memory of an elephant

Obert Mpofu (Mines Minister) in Matebeleland North and Kembo Mohadi (joint Home Affairs) in Matebeleland South are in the Mnangagwa camp but neither has the strength to carry a candidate with his historic baggage...

Ghostly presences

The co-Minister of Home Affairs Kembo Mohadi of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front is in charge of national monuments...

What mattered was the football

Meanwhile Didymus was working away outside the court accompanied not by his ZANU-PF co-Minister of Home Affairs Kembo Mohadi but by his MDC co-Minister Theresa Makone...

Diplomacy by other means

Police Commissioner Chihuri reinforced Charamba’s attitude to the coalition by declaring that he recognises directions only from the President or the Attorney General; any orders from the MDC’s joint Home Affairs Minister Giles Mutsekwa would have to be countersigned by ZANU’s Kembo Mohadi but not vice-versa...

A clash at the border

The co-ministers for Home Affairs Kembo Mohadi (Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front ZANU-PF) and Giles Mutsekwa (Movement for Democratic Change MDC) told a press conference on 8 February that the law would have to take its course and they could not intervene in the spat with Botswana...

Faint heart never beat stout lady in the ruling party

The Mnangagwa slate for the four-member Praesidium was Mugabe for First Secretary (President at national level) Oppah Muchinguri and John Nkomo for Second Secretaries (national Vice-Presidents) and Kembo Mohadi for party Chairman...

Sodom and tomorrow

Another old ZAPU man once detained by Mugabe Kembo Mohadi now joint Home Affairs Minister is not Ndebele but Venda from the Beit Bridge area...

Displaying 11-20 out of 29 results.