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Musa Hilal

Date of Birth: 1961

Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results.

The centre versus the rest

El Sadig's position on this would get widespread support especially after Khartoum's appointment of Janjaweed supremo Musa Hilal Musa on the UN war-crime suspect list as Federal Government Ministry Advisor...

Darfur deadlines

Many of the new immigrants are Mahamid the spearhead Janjaweed tribe headed in Sudan by Musa Hilal Musa...

Mission improbable

It has wheeled out Janjaweed leader Musa Hilal Musa who is on the UN sanctions list to declare that he thinks the UNSC Resolution 'fair' but worries 'any hybrid force operation would lead to racial discrimination in Darfur'...

The forces in Darfur's war

; leader Sheikh Musa Hilal Musa named by UN panel; other leaders include Mohamed Adam Saliko (Saada) Mustafa Abu Nouba (Southern Rizeigat) Mohamed Yagoub (Terjem) Ali Kwoshib...

Oddest bedfellows

The fourth is the Um Jalul tribal chief Musa Hilal Musa who boasted on camera of his fighters' (Janjaweed) exploits to Human Rights Watch and journalists...

Who's who on Darfur?

The published part of the US State Department's List of Janjaweed commanders comprises: Musa Hilal Musa: Janjaweed coordinator and Buffalo Brigade (Liwa el Jamous) commander; Brigadier Hamid Dawai: Terbeba-Arara-Beida area leader; Abdullah Mustafa Abu Shineibat: Habila and Foro Burunga area; Omada Saef: Misterei area; Omar Babbush: Habila and Foro Burunga area; Ahmed Dekheir: Mornei area; Ahmed Abu Kamasha: Kailek area...

As field commanders along with Musa Hilal and Hamid Dawai the Congress members list: Brig...

Fighting the foreign front

The celebrity Janjaweed militia leader Musa Hilal who was being interviewed over tea and pastries in Khartoum's Meridien Hotel two weeks ago has returned to North Darfur where he oversees the training of reorganised militia units at Dowaa and Barakalla...

Although UN officials and other eye-witnesses said Musa Hilal coordinated a militia attack on villagers in Tawilah near El Fasher capital of North Darfur the NIF has made no attempt to restrict his movements - quite the reverse according to the latest reports...

Perhaps the most improbable element of this explanation is that the NIF having backed the likes of Musa Hilal to burn and pillage north Darfur is somehow unable to tell them to stop...

Desperate Darfur

Son of a leader of the Um Jalloul camel-herding tribe Musa Hilal is old friends with his fellow-tribesman Air Force Major General Abdullah Ali Safi el Din el Nur formerly North Darfur Governor currently Cabinet Affairs Minister...

People in Darfur say Musa Hilal is now based at Mustareha a Janjaweed training camp 35 kilometres south-west of the garrison town of Kebkabiya...

Displaying 11-18 out of 18 results.