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Adalberto Costa Junior

Date of Birth: 8 May 1962
Place of Birth: Chinjenje, Angola

Displaying 11-15 out of 15 results.

Alarm grows over vote-rigging plans

The opposition is uniting behind the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola's (UNITA) leader since 2019 Adalberto Costa Júnior at the head of the Frente Patriótica Unida (FPU) electoral alliance with two other major opposition parties with charismatic leaders...


J-Lo suffers party backlash

The new leader of the União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola Adalberto da Costa Junior is outspoken and pugnacious unlike his more diplomatic and conciliatory predecessor Isaias Samakuva...

Campaign coffers

It complains about the funding delay: ‘The state is campaigning for the MPLA ' said UNITA Secretary for Communications and Marketing Adalberto da Costa Júnior...

Neutering UNITA

Senior members of UNITA's external wing nominated by Savimbi include Adalberto da Costa Junior (Rome) Colonel Domingos Jardo Muekalia (Washington) Carlos Morgado and Isaac Wambembe (Lisbon) Ernesto Mulato (Lomé) Azevedo Kanganje (Brussels) João Vahekeny (Geneva)...

Displaying 11-15 out of 15 results.