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Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov

Date of Birth: 21 March 1950
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Displaying 11-20 out of 32 results.

Border troubles threaten the region

As this cauldron bubbled Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov came to Khartoum on 9 February not quite overlapping with the Israeli foreign minister Eli Cohen who visited Khartoum on 3 February...

Welcoming Russia's Lavrov, President Issayas boosts his regional role

Thanking Moscow's 'Eritrean friends for their consistent support of Russian initiatives in the UN ' Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov sketched out closer ties between the two countries after meeting with President Issayas Afewerki on 26 January at the end of his four-country tour of Africa (AC Vol 64 No 3 President Putin's Africa summit in July will be key diplomatic test)...

President Putin's Africa summit in July will be key diplomatic test

At the beginning of the week South Africa's Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor hosted her Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov giving him a platform to applaud what he called Pretoria's 'well balanced' and 'considerate approach' towards Moscow on Ukraine (AC Vol 64 No 2 Moscow's goals are global not local)...


African governments count the cost of a new Cold War

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov's recent visits to Congo-Brazzaville Egypt Ethiopia and Uganda to prepare the ground for a second Africa-Russia Summit next year drew international and comparisons to the ideological battles of the first Cold War 1945-1990* (Dispatches 26/7/22 President Macron and Foreign Minister Lavrov vie for influence in pan-African tours this week and AC Vol 63 No 16 Washington in summit race with Moscow)...


Washington in summit race with Moscow

When Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced at a press conference in Egypt on 24 July that his country's second Africa summit would now be held in mid-2023 he didn't explain the delay...

Displaying 11-20 out of 32 results.