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Martin Alamisi Burnes Kaiser Amidu

Displaying 11-20 out of 23 results.

Skirt and blouse politics

After the Office of the Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu issued a corruption risk assessment on the deal pointing to conflicts of interest and breaches of procurement law the government agreed to pause the deal...

Akufo-Addo keeps his lead

The surveys were taken before the row over the Agyapa gold company escalated with the resignation of the Independent Prosecutor Martin Amidu and the publication of heated letters between him and the government...

Competing on competence

Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu this week resigned after his indepth analysis of anti-corruption concerns regarding Agyapa was ignored (see Pointer)...

Anti-corruption boss 'no poodle'

Ghana's independent Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu resigned his post on 16 November after experiencing government interference in his job he said in a letter to President Nana Akufo-Addo...

Election stirs up apathy

An assessment by the Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu that the plan pushed through parliament in August had breached multiple laws has embarrassed the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP – AC Vol 60 No 2 Midterm blues and red lines)...

President Akufo-Addo was reacting to a highly critical 67-page assessment of the plan by Martin Amidu the Special Prosecutor...

Economics in a time of corona

Setting up the office of the Independent Special Prosecutor has taken far longer than promised but its first occupant Martin Amidu a former Attorney General has taken on an epic case: the allegation that individuals in and around President John Dramani Mahama's government benefited from corrupt payments from Europe's Airbus linked to the sale of military transport planes as part of a wider international bribe scheme...

Presidential action replay

This year the credibility of the NPP's pledge to fight corruption will be tested again with the performance of the newly established office of the Independent State Prosecutor Martin Amidu a former Attorney General in an NDC government...

Midterm blues and red lines

Such claims were meant to come under the scrutiny of the independent special prosecutor Martin Amidu whose new office has been allocated 180 million cedis ($40 million) Ofori Atta says with a commitment to more if required...

Tax and spend dilemmas

Progress on these dossiers is expected from the new independent Special Prosecutor Martin Alamisi Amidu who was appointed in January...


Displaying 11-20 out of 23 results.