Had Conté fallen the main beneficiaries would have been officers such as Generals Kerfalla Camara Jacques Touré Arafan Camara and maybe Kaba 43 Camara...
Vol 48 No 1 |
When putsch comes to shove in Guinea two players will be important: Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Kerfalla Camara and Minister of State Fodé Bangoura...
With impeccable timing France has just awarded the other main power-holder General Kerfalla Camara Chief of General Staff (who like Bangoura is Soussou) its highest honour the Légion d'Honneur...
The men with power are Bangoura and the Chief of General Staff General Kerfalla Camara; like Conté and Somparé they are from the Soussou ethnic group...
Kerfalla Camara has been sidelined by Conté who entrusted the keys to the armoury at the Alpha Yaya Diallo army camp in Conakry to Arafan Camara In recent years many rivals of the triumvirate have been eliminated or sidelined...
Vol 46 No 1 |
Armed forces chief General Kerfalla Camara represented Conté at Independence Day celebrations on 2 October and also presided over the national soccer cup final on 21 November...
Kerfalla Camara has toured barracks reminding his men that the army's role is to defend the republic whatever the political situation...
Two of the four were members of the Comité Militaire de Redressement National that overthrew the late President Ahmed Sekou Touré in 1984 Armed Forces Chief of Staff Colonel Kerfalla Camara and Col...