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Abadula Gemeda

Date of Birth: 5 July 1958

Displaying 11-15 out of 15 results.

Easy on the landslide

Other significant OPDO figures on the ERPDF Executive Committee include a former Director General of the Federal Police Transport Minister Workneh Gebeyehu; Finance and Economic Development Minister Sufian Ahmed; and General Abadula Gemeda who left the Committee under something of a cloud amid allegations of corruption but has since made his mark as Speaker of the House of Representatives greatly restoring his image...

‘With the thoughts of Meles’

The OPDO congress was unable to overcome the divisions among rival groups around Alemayehu the Regional President who has just returned to the political limelight and Abadula Gemeda his predecessor and current Speaker of the national House of Peoples’ Representatives...

The new guard steps up

In the Oromo People’s Democratic Organisation Alemayehu Atomsa replaces Abadula Gemeda as Chairman and Mukhtar Kedir ousts Girma Birru as his Deputy...

The big upset

Those who lost their seats include: Bereket Simon Minister of Information and Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front campaign manager; Tefera Walwal Minister of Capacity Building; Genet Zewede Education; Getachew Belay Revenue; General Abadula Gemeda Defence; Dawit Yohannes Speaker of the House of Representatives; Arkebe Oqubey Mayor of Addis Ababa; State Presidents of the Oromo and Amhara regions Jenedin Sedo and Yosef Reta...

The ethnic factor

The Oromo People's Democratic Organisation (OPDO) a component of the ruling EPRDF did badly at the polls with the defeat of the Oromo regional President Juneidi Sado and OPDO's Chairperson General Abadula Gemeda the Defence Minister...

Displaying 11-15 out of 15 results.