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Tundu Lissu

Displaying 11-20 out of 25 results.

Life after the bulldozer

Mr So-and-so was likely an allusion to opposition leader Tundu Lissu in exile in Belgium believed to have been the first to say that Magufuli was gravely ill...


The Magufuli mystery

Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) presidential candidate Tundu Lissu told Africa Confidential on 7 March he had been hearing rumours about Magufuli's health but nothing had been confirmed...


Bulldozing to victory

Later the same day the Chadema presidential candidate Tundu Lissu who was shot multiple times in September 2017 by gunmen believed to be intelligence officers was also arrested (AC Vol 58 No 20 Magufuli on the warpath)...

Leaders seek poll boost from pipeline deal

Tundu Lissu presidential candidate for the Chama Cha Demokrazia na Maendeleo (Chadema) opposition has been barred from campaigning for a week by the electoral commission after he suggested Magufuli would rig the vote...

A government walkover

The opposition's leading presidential candidate is Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo's (Chadema) Tundu Lissu (AC Vol 61 No 15 Lissu heads for home)...

Sins of the commission

Similar complaints of bias against the election authorities have been made by Tundu Lissu's Chama cha Maendeleo na Demokrasia (Chadema) while both opposition parties have also reported attempted kidnappings violence and intimidation (AC Vol 61 No 15 Lissu heads for home)...

Lissu heads for home

Two and a half years after being shot 40 times by suspected government gunmen outside the National Assembly in Dodoma opposition leader Tundu Lissu says he will return to Tanzania on 27 July as a free man ready to take on incumbent John Magufuli in Presidential elections now set for 28 October...

One rule for the party

The shooting of the Chadema MP Tundu Lissu in September 2017 has been the most high-profile incident to date – late last month he was also stripped of his seat as he predicted – but disappearances of journalists and relatively minor opposition activists by TISS have become frequent in the past two years (AC Vol 58 No 20 Magufuli on the warpath)...

From bullet to ballot

Nearly 18 months after suspected government gunmen poured 40 bullets into Tundu Lissu MP outside the National Assembly in Dodoma the most persistent thorn in the side of President John Magufuli plans to return home...

Enemies without and within

TLS is led by one of her clients Chadema leader Tundu Lissu MP who is still in Brussels receiving treatment for gunshot wounds following the attempt on his life in September last year (AC Vol 58 No 20 Magufuli on the warpath)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 25 results.