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Zitto Zuberi Ruyagwa Kabwe

Date of Birth: 24 September 1976

Displaying 11-20 out of 39 results.

Sins of the commission

Zitto Kabwe's opposition Alliance for Change and Transparency-Wazalendo says that out of the 169 candidates fielded only 104 have been confirmed by the NEC...

Lissu heads for home

Meanwhile Alliance for Change and Transparency leader Zitto Kabwe was also arrested and released on police bail last month after being accused of holding an unlawful assembly (AC Vol 61 No 3 Mining for clarity)...

Zitto's democracy tour

The MP and leader of Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT Wazalendo) Zitto Kabwe has been touring Europe and North America to warn that President John Magufuli and the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi are seeking to create a one-party state...

Back to the one-party state

Among opposition contenders the most interesting story will be that of ACT Wazalendo the party founded as a vehicle for the outspoken oppositionist Zitto Kabwe after his ouster from the main opposition party Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema)...

Cashew crisis grinds on

Opposition MP Zitto Kabwe pointed out that this was more than three times the bank's capitalisation...

None of this has prevented Operation Korosho eliciting praise from diverse sources including Zitto Kabwe and the former ruling party treasurer and millionaire Rostam Aziz (AC Vol 52 No 10 The Lowassa fight back)...

One rule for the party

Soon after the kidnapping of a former personal assistant to Zitto Kabwe leader of the ACT-Wazalendo party Kabwe's Twitter account first was taken over – presumably by TISS officers – and then quickly shut down by Twitter...

Laying down the law

'Sedition'The leader of the opposition Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) Zitto Kabwe was arrested for alleged sedition on 31 October after addressing a rally...

Magufuli on the warpath

' The comment was played back to the President by the outspoken opposition MP and Alliance for Change and Transparency (ACT-Wazalendo) party leader Zitto Kabwe after Lissu's shooting (AC Vol 56 No 15 CCM springs surprise)...

Magufuli's law

Opposition member of parliament Zitto Kabwe has warned of a fall in the value of the shilling against the dollar as gold exports are likely to slump...

The untouchable funds

Former PAC Chairman Zitto Kabwe made his parliamentary reputation by virtue of his relentless pursuit of errant state bodies (AC Vol 53 No 18 Hopes and fears offshore)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 39 results.