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Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi

Date of Birth: 21 September 1960
Place of Birth: Sabatia, Vihiga District, Kenya

Displaying 11-20 out of 143 results.

Austerity is no brake on Ruto's ambitions

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has been gradually sidelined while Musalia Mudavadi with foreign affairs now part of his prime cabinet secretary portfolio has become the key figure in Ruto's government (AC Vol 64 No 21 Ruto's reshuffle rewards the technocrats)...

Ruto's reshuffle rewards the technocrats

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi is the main winner adding the Foreign Affairs Ministry to his portfolio replacing Alfred Mutua who was moved to the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife...

A man for all summits

Meanwhile the steady Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has emerged as the administration's international ambassador-at-large while the less experienced Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua is focused on domestic matters...

The one-party state bounces back

PromisesTo build his Kenya Kwanza coalition Ruto promised senior positions to a handful of regional and ethnic kingpins the most prominent of which were the two Luhya leaders: Amani National Congress's (ANC) Musalia Mudavadi now prime cabinet secretary and National Assembly Speaker Ford Kenya's Moses Wetangula (AC Vol 63 No 22 A different kind of cronyism)...

A different kind of cronyism

At the top of the league table is Chief Minister Musalia Mudavadi 62 the most experienced politician in the team with a declared net worth of KSh4bn ($33m) accumulated during his 33 years on and off in the cabinet...

Loyalty trumps all in Ruto's cabinet

That sharply limits the role of Musalia Mudavadi the Amani National Congress (ANC) leader who is the Prime Cabinet Secretary; a job that Ruto termed 'probably the most senior office after the president and deputy president'...

Ruto bought off former Odinga allies such as Musalia Mudavadi Alfred Mutua and Moses Wetang'ula new National Assembly speaker leaving some gaps in the market...

Ruto plays the economy blame-game

Amani National Congress leader Musalia Mudavadi is the favourite as chief cabinet minister or de facto prime minister even if he has told friends that it's not yet a 'done deal'...

Pricing Ruto's promises

Such is the transactional nature of Kenyan politics that the division of post-election spoils was set out in the pre-election deal brokered after the Amani National Congress (ANC) led by Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya under Moses Wetangula switched camps from Odinga to Ruto in late January (Dispatches 24/1/22 Musalia Mudavadi springs January surprise as he backs Deputy President Ruto)...

The defeat in Kakamega is another setback for ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi earmarked as the most important minister in a Ruto government who promised to deliver Luhya votes in western Kenya to Ruto but did not carry a single county...

Ruto takes his revenge

Musalia Mudavadi's Amani National Congress (ANC) performed poorly winning only the Lamu governorship on the coast and losing Vihiga Mudavadi's home county...

How the hustlers toppled the dynasties

In Luhya-land former vice-president Musalia Mudavadi of the Amani National Congress was promised the post of chief minister in a Ruto administration...

Displaying 11-20 out of 143 results.