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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete

Date of Birth: 7/10/1950
Place of Birth: Msoga

Displaying 11-20 out of 164 results.


An eye on elections, President Hassan sidelines a challenger

In the reshuffle President Hassan left the ministries of finance defence energy tourism and foreign affairs unchanged while appointing to ministerial posts several key supporters of former President Jakaya Kikwete including Nape Nnauye and Ridhiwani Kikwete his son (AC Vol 62 No 7 Life after the bulldozer)...


Makamba plans power reforms, aiming for the presidency

Chairing Tanesco's new board is Omari Issa who oversaw the last attempt at unbundling the company as head of President Jakaya Kikwete's Big Results Now (BRN) initiative (AC Vol 58 No 5 Sour fate of sugar project)...

This board suggests a return to the priorities of President Jakaya Kikwete's administration...

Reconciliation and a reckoning

Yet the two met at Banda's home on 16 August after Lungu's concession speech the encounter reportedly brokered by the head of the Commonwealth observer mission Tanzania's ex-President Jakaya Kikwete and the head of the African Union observer mission Sierra Leone's ex-President Ernest Bai Koroma...

Clearing up after the bulldozer

How Samia addresses these issues in practice is reminiscent of the administration of her chief political backer, Jakaya Kikwete, with the competing factions within the party leading to patchy implementation, and political weakness as she seeks to placate different interest groups (AC Vol 62 No 7, Life after the bulldozer)...

Sunshine with a hint of cloud

Under President Jakaya Kikwete Aziz had been a kingmaker and treasurer in the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi before falling out of grace...

Life after the bulldozer

The two most prominent relatives are Magufuli's nephew the permanent secretary of the finance ministry Doto James and the president's Secretary Ngusa Samike who was the family spokesperson at the funeral and was with Magufuli since his days as Minister for Livestock and Fisheries under President Jakaya Kikwete...

Former President Jakaya Kikwete alluded to it when recounting how he was informed by text message that Magufuli was dead...

After Magufuli, a difficult transition

She studied public administration at postgraduate level at the University of Manchester United Kingdom before returning to Tanzania to take up a political career first as a member of the Zanzibar Assembly then as Minister of State in the Vice-President's office for Union Affairs under the presidency of Jakaya Kikwete who remains a close ally...

The dominant faction within the party is an old guard loyal to former President Jakaya Kikwete...



The Magufuli mystery

It was given information about the medical treatment of former presidents Julius Nyerere Benjamin Mkapa and Jakaya Kikwete said Lissu...


A government walkover

CCM has known it was under pressure since 2010 when President Jakaya Kikwete won a second term with just 63% of the vote on a 42% turnout...

Displaying 11-20 out of 164 results.