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Hassan Sheikh Mohamud

Date of Birth: 29/11/1955
Place of Birth: Central Hiran region

Displaying 11-20 out of 105 results.


Hassan Sheikh gets his debt deal

5 billion debt write-off from global lenders marking the culmination of a decade-long process of negotiations and a major political coup for President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud...


Floods put fighting on hold

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has November's unprecedentedly severe rains and floods to thank for the fact he has not paid the full political price for the setback government forces suffered against Al Shabaab at Osweyne in October...

Somaliland tensionAnother headache worsened in October when relations between the Federal Government and the Somaliland regional government soured after President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud welcomed a delegation from Las Anod thus officially recognising the new Sool Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) administration after two weeks of talks (AC Vol 64 No 19 Muse Bihi's political headaches worsen)...

Trading dams for ports

It fell to State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ali Mohamed Omar to remind the Ethiopian prime minister that no change in sovereignty is likely even though that could cool relations with Abiy at a time when President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud wants Ethiopian troops to play a greater role in the offensive against Al Shabaab...

Back to the military drawing board

Nine months ago when President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud announced a pause in its hitherto successful anti-Al Shabaab offensive prospects were good...

HASSAN SHEIKH CORRECTS COURSE AFTER OSWEYNE DEFEAT President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud might have ended up in the political wilderness after government forces were overwhelmed by Al Shabaab at Osweyne on 26 August...

President launches anti-graft campaign

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's government is determined to tackle the age-old problem after coming under heavy pressure from the international community...

Hassan Sheikh promises direct elections

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has announced several bold political changes and promised to succeed in his bid to join the East African Community...

One person one vote one day… President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's announcement at the end of a National Consultative Council (NCC) meeting from 24 to 27 May that by June next year Somalia would have moved to one-person one-vote elections had no advance notice let alone consultation with civil society or Parliament...

Hassan Sheikh's offensive against Al Shabaab is  faltering

When Al Shabaab attacked an African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) base on 26 May and killed up to 100 Ugandan soldiers and taking prisoners it struck a powerful blow against President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's long-running offensive...

Risks of Las Anod lull

International pressure on President Muse Bihi Abdi was strong enough eventually to result in a late March phone conversation with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud which was followed by the assembling of a mediation team of clan elders in Mogadishu...

Mogadishu weighs the ups and downs of its anti-jihadist fight

The picture that emerged was of signal successes in the anti-Al Shabaab campaign in the last six months since President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud made the military campaign his highest priority building on new clan alliances to keep up momentum (AC Vol 64 No 1 Trouble ahead for Hassan Sheikh's united front)...

Displaying 11-20 out of 105 results.