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Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta

Date of Birth: 26 October 1961

Displaying 171-180 out of 481 results.

A divisive plan for unity

Three years after President Uhuru Kenyatta won re-election in polls boycotted by opposition leader Raila Odinga the two erstwhile rivals sat on a red-carpeted podium at the Bomas of Kenya venue to launch the long-awaited Building Bridges Initiative report on constitutional reforms...

Further still while months ago there were strong indications that President Uhuru Kenyatta would be pushed by his family into running as an executive prime minister – colloquially known as 'ka-Putin' – the report contains no such clauses...

A DIY debt trap

President Uhuru Kenyatta's government insists it will not take advantage of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) offered by the Group of 20 wealthy nations to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 (AC Vol 61 No 9 AU pushes Africa bonds)...

Amina misses out again

Despite flying to Paris to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron and speak to other European leaders President Uhuru Kenyatta's European charm offensive on Mohamed's behalf last week failed to persuade most of the EU envoys who instead agreed to endorse Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Yoo Myung-hee...

Raila's path to power

After four unsuccessful election attempts Raila Odinga's path to the presidency now rests on his improbable alliance with President Uhuru Kenyatta...

Keeping up with the Kenyattas

'You should go and insult your mother not mine' said President Uhuru Kenyatta on 10 September to a small crowd just outside Nairobi...

First the good news…

In Kenya where 300 000 people have lost their jobs because of the virus civil society activity has grown sufficiently to persuade President Uhuru Kenyatta to order the Ministry of Health to publish details of all contracts issued and sums paid out...

    Vol 61 No 17 |
  • MALI

The junta haggles on transition

Meeting chair South African President Cyril Ramaphosa called for Keïta's release while Kenya's Uhuru Kenyatta simply pressed for a 'speedy peaceful and democratic' resolution...


Trading favours

One of only a handful of African leaders to have established a rapport with the US President and the only one to have made two visits to the White House President Uhuru Kenyatta is the sole recipient of an offer of a bilateral trade deal with the US (AC Vol 59 No 18 Turning down the volume)...

The Kenyatta-Odinga deal starts fraying

The Building Bridges Initiative – the political deal concocted between opposition leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta – is in trouble again...

His much-photographed visit on the following day at Gideon Moi's residence prompted speculation about whether the First Family is considering him as its nominee to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022 (AC Vol 61 No 14 A big tent for Moi's children)...

For all its divisiveness this played well to President Uhuru Kenyatta's objectives of corralling his ethnic base...

From a grateful nation

In 2011 a bill to implement generous pension schemes was rejected by then Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta as unaffordable and the matter was left largely untouched until last year when the National Assembly's Finance Committee prepared a new bill...

Displaying 171-180 out of 481 results.