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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 171-180 out of 200 results.

Pride and prejudice

Both President Issayas Afeworki and Prime Minister Meles Zenawi have refused to take calls from Clinton several times in the last fortnight Africa Confidential understands...

Who dares, loses

The moratorium on air attacks agreed after June’s raids on Asmara and Makelle (and after phone calls by President Bill Clinton to Premier Meles Zenawi and President Issayas Afewerki) still holds...

Annan and Africa

He also speaks frequently to Uganda's Yoweri Museveni Eritrea's Issayas Afeworki and Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi...

Moving deadlines

The former Director of the United States’ National Security Council Anthony Lake met President Issayas Afeworki in Asmara on 7 October then flew to Addis Ababa and talked to Premier Meles Zenawi...

Brothers at war

War has weakened Premier Meles Zenawi but the conflict with Eritrea has certainly not brought him down...

On the border

At the core of today's MLLT are Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin (known as Seyoum Mussa during the war) Siye Abraha and Abai Tsehaye the party ideologue reported to be pushing the hardest anti-Eritrean line today...

Mothballed MiGs

The planes were properly ‘mothballed' after Meles Zenawi took over and have been well looked after...

Bienvenue a` Ouaga

Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's claims to have resolved the Ethiopian-Eritrean border dispute (he had summoned both President Issayas Aferworki and Premier Meles Zenawi to Tripoli) were politely passed over but the Libyan leader still got some value for his US$3 million contribution to the summit...

Masters of war

Neither Eritrea' s Issayas Aferworki nor Ethiopia's Meles Zenawi are in a hurry to settle...

Displaying 171-180 out of 200 results.