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Meles Zenawi

Date of Birth: 8 May 1955
Place of Birth: Adwa
Died: 20 August 2012

Displaying 161-170 out of 200 results.

Guns and butter

Asmara argued that food was stranded in the port when the war started so it had to distribute the food to its own famine-afflicted people: Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi accused Eritrea of looting the food...

Premier Meles Zenawi on 30 March complained about donors' slow responses; outsiders such as British International Development Secretary Clare Short emphasised the contradiction of simultaneously fighting war and famine...

Silencing the critics

Nearly two years ago it formally asked Premier Meles Zenawi for leave to reopen 14 offices closed in 1993-94...

Cooperation again

The two countries will be unable to feed their peoples and on top of the financial costs President Issayas Aferworki and Premier Meles Zenawi will face heavy criticism if casualty figures are released...

Ceasefire under threat

Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi insisted on the need for a return to the status quo ante and the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from all disputed areas; Eritrea refused to move before a ceasefire...

Tougher talk

Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi attending his first OAU summit since 1977 had failed to help when Eritrea's President Issayas Afeworki failed to arrive in Tripoli for pre-OAU talks with Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi...

The Nile flows on

President Hosni Mubarak didn't manage to shift the position of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi when they met on 19 May in the southern Sinai town of Sharm el Sheikh...

Eritrea and its cousins

This time Issayas says Ethiopia is weaker and more divided because most Ethiopians won't support what they see as a war prosecuted in the interests of Premier Meles Zenawi's Tigrayan-dominated government...

Whitehall's Africa team

More of an innovator than Chalker Short is noticeably less sympathetic towards the 'New Africans': Yoweri Museveni Paul Kagame Meles Zenawi and Issayas Afeworki...

World-class war

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the Ethiopian government have tried (and believe they have succeeded) in mobilising the people behind 'the concept of Ethiopia' and creating a truly national army turning back to ideas played down since 1991 in pursuit of 'ethnic federalism – Ethiopian-ness the Ethiopian flag Amharic as the national language...

Gouled's choice

He is a friend of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the two armies cooperate...

Displaying 161-170 out of 200 results.