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Daniel Toroitich arap Moi

Date of Birth: 2/09/1924
Place of Birth: Sacho, Kenya

Displaying 151-160 out of 323 results.

Coming to the aid of the parties

The ODM is now insolvent and each candidate solicits funds on his own: from local businesses Western foundations (especially ones allied to German political parties) money-bags from ex-President Daniel arap Moi's era and the diaspora in North America and Britain...

The new frontlines

In desperation Kibaki’s advisors have persuaded ex-President Daniel arap Moi and his right-hand man Nicholas Biwott to back Narc-Kenya...

Knocking out the lion's teeth

'What he (Kibaki) has brought is not a lion ' ODM leader Raila Amolo Odinga shouted referring to Kibaki's new alliance with former President Daniel arap Moi...

Crossed lines

During the sale's preparations it emerged that Vodafone had ceded a 5% equity stake to a third company Mobitelea whose proprietors were associated with Daniel arap Moi's government...

Comeback couples

Former President Daniel arap Moi's endorsement of Nicholas Kipyator Biwott on 25 November as Chairman of the Kenya African National Union (KANU) instead of Uhuru Kenyatta was designed to scupper hopes for a broad-based opposition against President Mwai Kibaki's government...

The anti-corruption collapse

Many Kenyans now believe that Kibaki's government is at least as corrupt as that of his predecessor Daniel arap Moi even if they are unsure that voting for an opposition alliance such as the Orange Democratic Movement under Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka would cut graft more effectively...

A political resurrection

The former Public Works Minister and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Raila Amolo Odinga accused Kibaki and his allies of betraying the memorandum of understanding which brought the constituent parties together to defeat Daniel Toroitich arap Moi's Kenya African National Union (KANU) in December 2002...

Uhuru Kenyatta and ex-President Daniel arap Moi campaigned for KANU's David Manyara who came in last; Raila Odinga and Kalonzo Musyoka set aside their differences to support the LDP's Michael Brawan who came a creditable second...

Presidential hopefuls take to the road

Alongside ex-President Daniel arap Moi he distrusts the Orange Democratic Movement and Raila Odinga although he is willing to support their demands for minimal constitutional change...

Slapping the messenger

The governing coalition is accused of corruption and its parties are squabbling but until recently it was far more tolerant of robust reporting than the previous regime under President Daniel Toroitich arap Moi...

Uncle Sam's ban

Amin Juma is unusual in the breadth of his political contacts: he has links with Murage Kibaki's second wife Mary Wambui Orange Democratic Movement activist Kalonzo Musyoka and ex-President Daniel arap Moi's nephew Hosea Kiplagat...

Displaying 151-160 out of 323 results.